

      [fāng xiàng]





      direction; orientation






      I'dsometimes ask him to slow down or to look in onedirection or another as I was making photos andhe gladly went along with my requests.




      Peter was out of breath and trembling with fright, and he had notthe least ideawhichway to go.




      he appeared to mean upthechimney, but Ibelievehe intended to referme to Liverpool; 'and thenin the City of Londonhere.




      "Thisis the beginningofanewdirection,probablyafirststepinanewdirection, that couldend up in more reforms, "said Sanchez.




      Flushing-typetray,front-back tilt adjustable, can be used to collecturine for metabolicexperimentwhentraytilts toward the front.




      It had been a cold and depressing day,buthefeltgood as heheaded for home,disappearing into thetwilight.




      Thereaction is environment friendly and easytooperate, it provides a new method to synthesizeethylpyruvate from ethyl lactate.




      Yetcompared to the US,Chinaseems to have a clearersense of direction,greaterflexibilityand a willingness to move.




      The contract has given himcontrol over his owndestiny. And in doingso,italso moves him in the directionwewant him togo.




      Itook a pair ofbinoculars and stoodoutin the mission compound,searching the skies whereI knew the comet could be seen.

