

      [bù qiāng]





      rifle; vandook; barndook



      全部,rifle,vandook,barndook,musket,Rifles,Assault Rifle



      Karenwasassignedan elaborately scoped sniperrifle,hermarksmanship scores being the bestof any of them.




      And there werea few more exchanges of gunfire, him shootingat me with an AK and usshootingbackwithfirecrackers.




      The receiver isrelativelyheavycomparedwith the restof the rifle,butisstilllighterthan that of a similarly sizedrifle.




      His left hand reached up tohisshoulder,fingertips just brushing the barrelof the rifle strapped to his shoulder.




      The policesearchedOwens's housesoonafter, and foundariflewith a scope attached.




      The enemy soldier had raised his rifleandwas abouttoshootwhenmybullet stopped him cold.




      Max, Norm,andafew of the avatars holdAR'sas the personnel of Hell's Gate file up the cargo ramp of the remaining shuttle.




      Bedell lay down inanoldboxfilled with hay, his rifleandcrutchesbesidehim.




      Thiswas the riflewith which the President was tobemurdered,asleek,deadly device equipped with atelescopicsight.




      The next day,theydressme in Chineseuniform,givemearifleandtake a dozen more pictures.

