

      [bìng dú]






      【医】virus; inframicrobe






      The drugs,too,seemtodo that, byreducing the numberofviruses in an individual's body.




      Limiting the number of initialvitalinfections of anorganizationisimportant,but it isoftennotfeasibletopreventthementirely.




      There still seemsto be a lack of awarenessin the ruraland suburban communities about the threat the virusposes to humansandanimals.




      Even if the virusweretracedto a pig in Mexico, it mighthave been importedfrom the United States.




      Many countriesare testing planstodeal with aflu pandemic should thevirus develop into a more dangerous form.




      There are a hepatitis B girls,asisthehepatitis B did nottellhismother,aheavypsychologicalburden.




      But even ifit sickened thosehunters, it probablydied out with them or their immediatecontacts.




      "The evolution of the epidemicisnowin its phase of descent,"hesaid.




      In the meantime,technicians at Creech aretrying to get the virusoff the GCS machines.It has not been easy.




      And, above all,thisis the only one of the potential source sites closetoapig farm.

