

      [bù xìng] [bú xìng]








      unfortunate; unlucky; sad


      misfortune; adversity






      Unfortunately,drugsareoftensoldthroughspame-mail,andgenuinemessagesyoumightbeexpecting can get caught bythesystem.




      Unfortunately,people do notalwayswant to accept the realtruthasit does not fit with whattheybelieve to betrue.




      But don't thinkhe's not tough .Twoyears in prisonfor GBH onhiswife's newboyfriend is unfortunatelyetch ed on his CV.




      Iwonderwhether the photographerasked the unfortunatevictim if shewas happy about the large-scale distribution of her disfiguredimage.




      Disciplineisnot a, n. . . not alwaysuhsomethingniceto hear.




      Evenindefeathemay,like Samson,beready to pull down the pillars of his ricketyregime on his haplesspeople.




      Like Cagney, the couplealsoadoptedtheir four children: threedaughtersandason, who tragically diedjust a year after his father.




      The Fox on herreturn,discovering what had happened, was lessgrieved for the deathof her young than for her inability to avengethem.




      Asaresult of myunfortunateoversight,entering the US isalwaysa bit of aperformance.




      UnfortunatelyI wasn't able to make it to thegamelast nightasmydoctorsadvisedagainst the traveland stress it would take to bethere.

