






      only; just; merely



      but; yet; still; nevertheless






      全部,but,yet,nevertheless,still,only,justmerely,a surname,SO,and,and yet



      Whenheawoke, it wasmorningbut it couldjust as well have been night.




      Ihadleftthe ashram,but,due to the continuingpain, Icouldntwork and, with achildstill to support, had to go on welfare.




      He said the governmentisconcerned, is stillnotsay,but"anobjectivelook at the currentsituation,it is clear the pendulumthing."




      Chinaseemsto be seekingabalance in which the renminbiappreciatesagainst the dollar,butonlymodestly.




      Buthebrought to life aftertenseconds,bigeyes and was hard to believeaground of Zheng,is grandson Chu'sguessright?




      Furious,hewas about to go and see why his wife hadn't wakenedhim, when he noticed apieceof paper by the bed.




      Youmaysmile,but it isso,Iassureyou; and except that it issometimescarriedalittle too far, it is allveryproper.




      He is said to be looking forward to making more familyfilms. Perhaps,buthe still looksalittleout of place in the magickingdom.




      "Asblind as abat" is oftenheard.Yetthey have notroubleflyingon the darkest nights andfindingtheir way round very well.




      Butwhateverthelength,herarelyneededanything he did nothave with him.

