

      [xiàn rù]






      sinkinto; fallinto; landoneselfin; becaughtin; getboggeddownin; embog; entrap


      belostin; beimmersedin; bedeepin


      【生】emboly; trapin



      全部,fall into,sink into,get into,trap,run into



      The club isina bitofapredicament,butyou couldn't ask for a more humblegentlemanto deal with that.




      The factthatthey have struckasdramatically as they have as latein the game is a bitof a minus.




      For a moment there was great alarm; it was fearedthat the men might have harmedherin some way, or evencarriedheroff with them.




      Manyforecastersbelieve the Britisheconomy is alreadyinacontraction that willlastat least through the end of this year.




      When you sit down to workwithoutaplan, it'seasy to getcaught up in crutch activities like checkingemailandbrowsing the web.




      Butthecountryseems to be locked intoadownwardspiral.




      Youkindoffallintothatfalse sense of securityand all of asudden its timeto go and sometimes its toolate to turnit on.




      Spend part of anotherdaynoticingwhichfeelingstend to pullyouintoastateofpreoccupation.




      Internationalmediatorshavebeentrying to re-start directnegotiationsbetweenIsraelandthePalestinians.But the efforts have stalled.




      It's a long-termpriority, and not the kind of thing tobederailed by an economicdownturn.

