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美 [noʊ]
英 [nəʊ]
  • v.知道;知悉;了解;认识到
  • n.〈口〉知晓
过去式:knew  过去分词:known  第三人称单数:knows  现在分词:knowing  
知悉have information
知道;知悉;了解to have information in your mind as a result of experience or because you have learned or been told it
认识到;懂得;意识到to realize, understand or be aware of sth
确信feel certain
确信;确知;肯定to feel certain about sth
熟悉be familiar
~ sb/sth
熟悉;认识;了解to be familiar with a person, place, thing, etc.
把…看作是;认为…是to think that sb/sth is a particular type of person or thing or has particular characteristics
命名give name
~ sb/sth as sth
将…称为;把…叫做to give sb/sth a particular name or title
~ sb/sth
能认出;能辨认出to be able to recognize sb/sth
~ sb/sth from sb/sth
能区分;能分辨to be able to distinguish one person or thing from another
学会;掌握to have learned a skill or language and be able to use it
看到过;听到过;经历过to have seen, heard or experienced sth
~ sth
亲身体验;亲身经历to have personal experience of sth
before you know where you are
瞬息之间;转眼间;一下子very quickly or suddenly
be not to know
无从知道,并不知道(做错了事)to have no way of realizing or being aware that you have done sth wrong
for all you, I, they, etc. know
(强调不知道对自己无关紧要的事)不知道,说不定,亦未可知used to emphasize that you do not know sth and that it is not important to you
God/goodness/Heaven knows
(强调不知道)谁知道,天晓得used to emphasize that you do not know sth
(强调所言属实)老天作证,确实,的确used to emphasize the truth of what you are saying
I dont know how, why, etc.…
(批评某人的行为)真想不到,真不知道used to criticize sb's behaviour
(表示同意或同情)我理解,我有同感,我知道used to agree with sb or to show sympathy
(引出新的想法或建议)我有个主意(或办法、建议)used to introduce a new idea or suggestion
I know
know sth as well as I do
(用以批评)其实完全明白,哪会不知道,知道得很清楚used to criticize sb by saying that they should realize or understand sth
know sb/sth backwards
对…了如指掌(或倒背如流);把…背得滚瓜烂熟to know sb/sth extremely well
know best
最懂得,最知道,比谁都明白(该怎么做等)to know what should be done, etc. better than other people
know better (than that/than to do sth)
明白事理(而不至于);不至于糊涂到to be sensible enough not to do sth
know sb by sight
与某人面熟to recognize sb without knowing them well
know different/otherwise
所知道的不是那么回事;所掌握的情况大不一样(或大相径庭)to have information or evidence that the opposite is true
know full well
非常清楚;不可否认;不可忽视to be very aware of a fact and unable to deny or ignore it
know sb/sth inside out|know sb/sth like the back of your hand
对…极为熟悉(或了如指掌)to be very familiar with sth
know your own mind
知道自己想做什么;有主见to have very firm ideas about what you want to do
know your stuff
精通业务;对工作很内行to know a lot about a particular subject or job
know your way around
熟悉周围情况(或话题等)to be familiar with a place, subject, etc.
know what youre talking about
亲身经历过;作经验之谈to have knowledge about sth from your own experience
know which side your bread is buttered
知道自己的利益所在to know where you can get an advantage for yourself
let it be known/make it known that…
(尤指通过他人传达而)使人知晓,让人知道to make sure that people are informed about sth, especially by getting sb else to tell them
let sb know
让某人知道;告诉(或通知)某人to tell sb about sth
make yourself known to sb
向某人作自我介绍to introduce yourself to sb
not know any better
(因缺乏教养而)表现不好;(因无人指教而)举止不良to behave badly, usually because you have not been taught the correct way to behave
not know your arse from your elbow
愚蠢之至;屁都不懂to be very stupid or completely lacking in skill
not know beans about sth
完全不懂行;对…一窍不通to know nothing about a subject
not know the first thing about sb/sth
对…一无所知;对…一窍不通to know nothing at all about sb/sth
not know sb from Adam
根本不认识某人;与某人素不相识to not know at all who sb is
not know what hit you
因吃惊而不知所措;惊呆了to be so surprised by sth that you do not know how to react
not know where to look
尴尬得不知如何是好;狼狈不堪;感到很难堪to feel great embarrassment and not know how to react
not know whether youre coming or going
(激动得)不知如何是好;糊里糊涂;不知所措to be so excited or confused that you cannot behave or think in a sensible way
not know you are born
身在福中不知福to have an easy life without realizing how easy it is
theres no knowing
难以预料;无从知道;没法说used to say that it is impossible to say what might happen
what does… know?
(某人)知道什么,懂什么used to say that sb knows nothing about the subject you are talking about
what do you know?
(表示惊奇)你看怪不怪,真没想到used to express surprise
you know
(说话人考虑接着说什么时用)used when you are thinking of what to say next
(表示对方知道或了解所言)你知道的used to show that what you are referring to is known or understood by the person you are speaking to
(加强语气)你要知道used to emphasize sth that you are saying
you know something/what?
(引出令人感兴趣或吃惊的看法、消息等)要我告诉你吗,你听说了吗used to introduce an interesting or surprising opinion, piece of news, etc.
you know who/what
(不说出名称)你知道是谁(或什么)used to refer to sb/sth without mentioning a name
you never know
(尤指可能会发生好事)很难说,很难预料used to say that you can never be certain about what will happen in the future, especially when you are suggesting that sth good might happen