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After the allied landing in Normandy months of bloody combat followed until eventually the German defences crumbled and were transformed into a chaotic retreat. During this fighting many arms of the Wehrmacht distinguished themselves, not the least the German snipers. The sniper's role was to target and shoot important personnel such as nco's, officers, artillery observers, signalists, orderlies, gun crews etc, they also functioned as observers, listening posts and information gatherers. Another important feature of the snipers was that they had a demoralising effect on the enemy. It is reported snipers accounted for fifty percent of an American Battalion's casualties. With their stubborn resistance they became one of the most feared and hated enemy on the battlefield. It went so far that a myth or legend was created. Soon a sniper fear filled the allied lines.

一九四四年六月盟军登陆诺曼底,拉开了解放欧洲大陆的序幕,在经过数月血战之后,德军的抵抗被最终粉碎,开始转入全线撤退。但是在西线的战斗中国防军的各兵种均表现出色,其中狙击手尤其出色。他们在战场的各个角落里射杀盟军的一切重要人员,使其士气严重受挫。甚至有报告指出曾有一个美军营百分之五十的伤亡均由狙击手造成。他们狂热的抵抗精神使其成为战场上最令人恐惧和憎恨的敌人。几乎每个盟军士兵都会提心吊胆祈祷自己不会落入“Silent Scope”的十字线中。

A nineteen year old soldier, John D. Hinton, M- Company, 3. Battalion of the 116. Infantry Regiment remembers how he met a sniper already at the landing. When they had managed to get off the beach and reach the bank they tried to set up a gun on the top of the bank. Each time a soldier tried to get himself behind the gun a sniper, 800 meters to their left, began to fire at them. A number of soldiers were shot in their arms, Hinton was shot in the leg and one soldier died.

一位时年十九岁,服役于第一一六步兵团第三营M连的年轻士兵 John D. Hinton 回忆起他是如何在登陆当天就遇上一名狙击手的:当时他和战友们正试图登上海岸,并且在滩头架上一门火炮。可是每当一个士兵想从火炮后探出身来,离他们左边大约八百米左右的一名德军狙击手就会朝他们开枪。Hinton 的好几位战友都被击中,其中一人阵亡,他自己本人的腿也被打中。

2. Battalion 'Royal Ulster Rifles', part of the 9. Infantry Brigade of the 3. Infantry Division met snipers early. After the landing the Battalion was ordered to take the heights northeast of Periers sur le Dan. On the way to the heights they captured seventeen German soldiers, seven were reported to be snipers!

英国第三步兵师第九步兵旅第二皇家阿尔斯特营也在战斗初期与狙击手遭遇。在上岸之后,该营奉命夺取 Periers sur le Dan 东北面的高地。 在途中他们俘虏了十七名德国士兵,这其中就有七人是狙击手!

At 1700 the seventh of June the Royal Ulster Rifles was ordered to move up towards Cambes, a small village about ten kilometres inland. Due to the fact that the village was surrounded by dense woods and a stone wall, observation of enemy positions was impossible. The judgement was made that only light resistance was to be expected. D- Company under Captain Aldworth received orders to approach the village together with a tank company. When they almost had reached the edge of the woods they met heavy sniper and mortar fire. The company was split- up in two parts to attack through the forest from two directions but met deadly crossfire from enemy machineguns. Stretcher bearers from the medic section were shot when they tried to save wounded soldiers. The tanks stood powerless due to the high wall surrounding the village. Captain Aldworth was hit and died immediately, one of the platoon commanders became wounded. The Battalion commander aborted the attack. The Company commander and fourteen others were now dead, one officer and eleven other were wounded, four soldiers were missing. Cambes proved to be a heavily defended German position and when finally, after bombardment by everything from light mortars to heavy naval artillery, the village was taken it was filled with dead Germans. A wounded SS sniper was captured.

六月七日下午五点,第二皇家阿尔斯特营又接到命令朝深入内陆大约十公里的一个小村庄—— Cambes 前进。由于村庄四周环绕着茂密的森林和一堵石墙,所以根本不可能侦察德军阵地的部署情况,根据判断,他们估计村中只会有轻微的抵抗。由 Aldworth 上尉指挥的D连奉命伴随一个坦克连接近村庄。出乎意料的是,当他们几乎要抵达村口时,突然遭到了守军密集的狙击火力和炮击炮的打击。D连马上分散成两部分,穿过森林从两个方向发起攻击,但是又陷入了德军机枪的致命交叉火力网中。想去拯救伤员的医疗班担架手也被悉数杀死。由于村庄四周被高墙围绕,伴随的坦克几乎无能为力。 Aldworth 上尉本人也被击中,没过多久就死了,另外还有一位排长受伤。营长不得不放弃攻击。D连在这次战斗中总共有一名连长和十四名士兵阵亡,一名军官和十一位士兵负伤,四名士兵失踪。 Cambes 被证明是一个德军的坚固据点,最终在经过猛烈炮轰后才被盟军最终拿下,村中步满了战死德军官兵的尸体,只有一名受伤的党卫军狙击手被活捉!

Early on the morning of the ninth July the Battalion's forward elements began to reach the outskirts of Caen. Lieutenant Burges secured St. Julien, northwest of Caen, and slowly but safely began his advance on the city itself. At first the enemy opposition was light and they had no problem with fighting back. Soon, however, the resistance stiffened, persistent snipers shot at the patrol. Lieutenant Burges was hit and wounded in the head by a well aimed bullet. Soon two nco's were killed. Burges' patrol had to pull back.
六月九日清晨,该营先遣队抵达了卡恩〔Caen〕市郊,Burges 中尉和他的部下先控制了卡恩西北面的 St. Julien,随即缓慢而谨慎向卡恩前进。最终敌人的抵抗很弱,先遣队没费什么力气就打退了他们。可是很快德军的防御就变得异常猛烈起来,顽固的狙击手们朝先遣队开火, Burges 中尉被一颗精确瞄准的子弹击中头部,负了重伤。不久又有两名士官被打死。Burges 的先遣队被迫撤退。

Some of the snipers that the allies met in Normandy had had excellent training in the Hitlerjugend, some of them had been trained in small calibre rifles. Before the war the Hitlerjugend had increased the military training for its members. Many boys were trained in sharpshooting. Those who distinguished themselves were later give sniper training. When they later went into combat they had been given good and valuable training. In Normandy the 12. SS Panzerdivision 'Hitlerjugend' fought. This was a unit composed of recruits from the Hitlerjugend and experienced officers from the 1. SS Panzerdivision 'Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler'. At Caen the young boys would have their baptism of fire.


Caen was an excellent place for the German snipers. Together with artillery observers who directed artillery fire on exposed infantry the snipers totally dominated the grounds around Caen. The Brits and Canadians had to go through every square meter to make sure the terrain was secured from the stubborn snipers, a time consuming task. It was at Caen that snipers like Gefreiter Kurt Spengler distinguished themselves. Spengler was at the northeast of Caen, isolated in a big minefield. He shot down a notable number of British troops until he finally was killed by heavy artillery bombardment.

卡恩是一个德国狙击手们的理想战场,可以说,他们完全控制了这里。英国和加拿大士兵不得不对这里每平方米每平方米的仔细清扫,来确是否有那些难缠的狙击手存在——这可是一项十分耗时和危险的差事。Kurt Spengler 就是这群知名德军狙击手中一位。他驻守在卡恩东北的一块雷场内,打死了一大批英军士兵,最后他本人在一次猛烈炮击中身亡。

在卡恩的 Kurt Spengler

On the twenty-sixth of June SS Pionier Pelzmann of the 12. SS Panzerpionierbataillon's fourth company is positioned under a small tree, he 

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