

      2)  electoral college


      3)  President



      Analysis on Chen Shuibian Elected As Taiwan President and the Tendency of Taiwan Political Situation;



      It resulted as an allocation of foreign trade decision-making power between Congress and Administration(represented by President).



      Making a tentative study on the two resolutions and the period of more than 30 years between before and after them contributes a lot to the symbolic understanding of the overall process of the contention for war power between congress and president,and to the prediction of its future trends .


      4)  the president



      War Power Struggle between the President and Congress;



      As a result, although both have successfully expanded their respective power through disputes, the President plays a dominant part in .

      美国宪法没有对总统和国会的外交权限做出界定 ,这是总统和国会外交权力之争的根源。

      5)  pres.


      6)  the incumbent president



      The article mainly introduces the different charaeteristics and service objects of American President Library and Russian President Library,the sources of the incumbent president and the cultural relics’ sauing ways of the past presidents.


      7)  the past president



      The article mainly introduces the different charaeteristics and service objects of American President Library and Russian President Library,the sources of the incumbent president and the cultural relics’ sauing ways of the past presidents.


      8)  presidential election



      The Mass Media and Presidential Elections in American Politics;



      At the end of the 20th century,the 43rd presidential election campaign in the United States of America was fierce and ridiculous,like a seesaw battle.

      2 0世纪末 ,美国第四十三届总统选举大战 ,形如拉锯 ,激烈而滑稽 ;总统迟迟难产 ,实为当代世界历史的笑柄。


      presidential elections are a game of money.

      美国总统选举是金钱游戏 ,2 0 0 0年总统大选竞选经费共支出 30多亿美元 ,创下历史新高。

      9)  American presidents



      The Constitution in the Eyes of American Presidents and its Apocalypse(Ⅰ)——Regarding the American Presidents acceding speeches as the sample of analysis;



      When reading the American presidents expositions of Constitution in their campaign speeches,we can easily attain an important apocalypse that powerful countries also need Constitution.


      10)  Presidentialism



      Western Scholar s Debates on Democratic Consolidation:Presidentialism vs.Parliamentarism;



      In the first part, the characteristics and origin of presidentialism and parliamentary system are explored.






      总统轮替  总统集权  总统政治  卡特总统  《总统先生》  普京总统  总统制度  黑马总统  里根总统  “总统大选”  集总统计  汇总统计  实际气体等温线  聚酰胺类聚合物