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BBC今日短语:Feel peaky 面容憔悴身体虚弱
BBC今日短语:Feel peaky 面容憔悴身体虚弱

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 今日短语 形容词 “peaky” 的意思是 “憔悴的,有病的”,尤指一个人脸色苍白、病怏怏的样子。 我们通常在动词 “feel” 后加 “peaky”, 即 “to feel peaky”,不过我们也可以在 “to be” 后接 “peaky”。 例句 I didn’t go to work yesterday as I was feeling a bit peaky. 昨天我没去上班,因为我有点难受。 He is going to the doctor because he is feeling a bit peaky. 他要去看医生,因为他感觉有些不太舒服。 Liu looked a bit peaky when she left. Is she OK? 刘走的时候看起来有些憔悴。她还好吧? 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月09日 15:43
BBC英语大破解:Dog garden 狗狗康复花园
BBC英语大破解:Dog garden 狗狗康复花园

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 本集内容 Dog garden 狗狗康复花园 学习要点 有关 “rehabilitation(康复)” 的词汇 边看边答 Which informal word used in the report describes taking a dog for a walk? 文字稿 Getting used to new surroundings. Playdoh - just one of the many waggy-tailed residents at the Scottish SPCA’s rescue centre in Aberdeenshire - being introduced to a new sensory garden. 正在适应新环境的普雷多是阿伯丁郡苏格兰防止动物虐待协会救助中心众多狗狗中的一只,它被带进了一个新的感官花园。 It's quite literally a dog's playground - providing scent stimulation and exercise many of them haven't experienced before. 说这是一个狗的游乐场一点也不夸张,这里给它们提供嗅觉上的刺激和锻炼的场所,这是许多狗以前从未体验过的。 Louise Griese, Centre Manager So we do rescue lots of sort of, abandoned, abused animals - and this garden will help to rehabilitate them. It’s going to enrich their life and it’s going to give them skills that will help them in the future. And hopefully it will give them a bit more confidence and help them to find their new homes - which is the main aim. 路易斯·格里斯 救助中心主管 “我们救助很多被遗弃或遭受虐待的动物,这座花园将帮它们恢复健康,丰富它们的生活,同时给它们带来未来能够受用的技能。但愿这会帮它们增长一点自信并找到新家——这是主要目标。” In recent years – the North East [of Scotland] has become something of a hotspot for illegal animal activity. These pictures show what is believed to be Scotland’s largest puppy farm near Fyvie in 2017. This litter of puppies were born at the rescue centre after their mother was taken into care following a recent raid in Moray. 近年来,苏格兰的东北部已变成一个非法动物活动的热点地区。画面中展现了被认为是苏格兰最大的幼犬繁殖场2017年的景象,位于法维附近。这窝小狗就出生在这所救助中心里,它们的妈妈在马里最近的一次警方突然搜查后被收养至此。 Louise Griese, Centre Manager Some puppy farm dogs have never been out of a kennel – so they haven’t been outside, they haven't even walked on grass. The sensory garden is somewhere safe that they can come and learn these skills. This garden is really going to help them with their confidence and help them to socialise. Some of them haven’t even learnt basic, basic skills - so this is really going to boost that for them. 路易斯·格里斯 & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;救助中心主管 “有一些出生在幼犬繁殖场的小狗从来没有离开过狗窝,所以它们没去过户外,甚至从未踏上过草坪。感官花园是一个安全的港湾,它们可以来这里学习这些技能。这个花园真的会帮助它们树立信心,帮助它们社交。一些狗甚至还没有学会最基本的技能。所以这里的经历会提高它们的能力。” The centre currently has 22 dogs waiting for a forever home. But in the meantime, a new space filled with new scents, surfaces and obstacles - preparing them for ‘walkies’ outside the centre. 这个中心目前有22只狗在等待找到一个永远的家。但与此同时,这里有一个充满新气味、活动场地和障碍设施的新空间,为它们走出看护中心后与新主人散步作准备。 词汇 sensory感官的 scent stimulation 嗅觉刺激 rehabilitate 恢复正常生活,康复 enrich 使丰富 socialise 社交 问题答案 The word is ‘walkies’. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月09日 15:40
BBC英语大破解:Deep-sea mining 深海采矿
BBC英语大破解:Deep-sea mining 深海采矿

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 本集内容 Deep-sea mining 深海采矿 学习要点 有关 “mining(采矿)” 的词汇 边看边答 Which metal is needed for batteries that power electric cars? 文字稿 In the waters off Malaga, an experiment with a strange looking machine – lowered underwater to test a new and controversial kind of mining – on the ocean floor. 在马拉加附近海域,一项试验用一种外观奇怪的机器潜入水下,目的是测试一种新的、有争议的海底采矿方法。 A camera on the machine monitors its advance over the seabed. A soft coral stands in its path. 机器上的摄像头监控着它在海床上的移动。软珊瑚挡住了它的去路。 Mining would involve excavating rocks down here and no one knows the implications. 采矿需要在这里挖掘岩石,没有人知道这意味着什么。 The project is run from this Spanish research ship – funded by the EU to find new sources of important metals. 该项目由欧盟资助的这艘西班牙研究船负责,目的是寻找重要金属的新来源。 David Shukman, BBC Science editor What this project shows is how the technology is advancing in a way that makes deep-sea mining seem much more plausible which confronts us with a very difficult question - is it the right thing to do given how little we know about the potential impact it could have on life on the ocean floor? 大卫·舒克曼 & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; BBC科学新闻主编 这个项目显示技术的进步使深海采矿显得更加真实可信,但也让我们面临一个非常困难的问题——我们对深海采矿对海底生命的潜在影响知之甚少,这样做对吗? Operating underwater, mining the seabed has never been tried before. It would destroy whatever is directly in front of the machines and they’d create clouds of sand and silt which could smother marine plants and creatures even a long way away. 在水下作业,在海床上采矿以前从未有人尝试过。它会破坏任何直接在采矿机器正前方的东西,还会制造出大量的沙子和淤泥,这些沙子和淤泥会让周边甚至很远的地方的海洋植物和生物窒息。 But there’s growing pressure for mining to start. Rocks like these – billions of them – are the target. Because, they’re amazingly rich in important metals, especially cobalt, which is needed for batteries. So the boom in electric cars means there’s growing demand for cobalt. And mining companies think the deep ocean could provide it. So if mining goes ahead, can the damage be limited? 但要求开始采矿的压力越来越大。像这样的岩石,目标是要采出数十亿块。因为它们富含重要的金属,尤其是电池所需的钴。因此,电动汽车的蓬勃发展意味着对钴的需求在不断增长。矿业公司认为深海可以提供金属钴。那么,如果采矿继续进行,相关破坏会受到限制吗? Henko de Stigter, Chief Scientist We’re on the brink of a new time that we will go down to the deep sea and start changing the landscape of the deep sea and the deep-sea life. And then we have to consider, is it worth it? Do we want to do that in the same say as we did already with the land? Henko de Stigter & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; 首席科学家 “我们正处在一个新时代的边缘,我们将进入深海,开始改变深海的景观和深海生物。然后我们需要考虑,这样做值得吗?我们想要像对待我们的土地一样对待海洋吗?” This is a trial device – the machines that will actually do mining will be about ten times bigger. Dozens of ventures are planning to open mines on the seabed. This is a glimpse of how they might look. 这是一个试验装置,实际用于采矿的机器将会大十倍。数十家企业正计划在海底开矿。这就是可能出现的海底采矿景象。 词汇 excavating 挖出,发掘 sources 来源 rich in 富含……的 on the brink 处于……的边缘 ventures (有风险的)企业 问题答案 Cobalt. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月09日 11:48
BBC地道英语:Big data 大数据
BBC地道英语:Big data 大数据

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 内容简介 “Big data” 是眼下的一个热门术语,但你知道它到底指的是什么吗?Neil 认为自己很懂 “big data”,并且可以借 “big data” 帮自己创办一家公司。菲菲对 “big data” 有自己的想法。加入我们来学习一个非常 “big” 的短语吧! 文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。) Feifei Neil, what are you doing? That’s the biggest spreadsheet I’ve ever seen! Neil Hi, Feifei. Yeah, just you wait. I’m developing a product that will revolutionise English teaching! Feifei Great! So why are you looking at screens of numbers? Neil Not numbers, data. Big data! This is what I need, and that's our expression in Authentic Real English. Feifei 那你打算怎么使用这些数据呢? Neil I haven’t figured it out yet. But that’s not important. Everyone’s talking about big data. Feifei “Big data” 大数据确实是一个热门话题。但是大数据是靠分析的,你得知道如何处理这些数据。 Neil Right. Feifei What you’re looking at is a list of… football scores… from every country… in 1987?! Neil Ah, yes. Not useful? Feifei Sadly not! 咱们来听听 “big data” 大数据到底是什么。 Examples We are surrounded by data. Every time we use social media, buy something online, or even search for information, we are creating data. Because there’s so much of it, and because it comes in many forms, we call it big data. Companies collect and analyse big data to discover hidden trends and patterns. For example, online retailers use big data to learn what kinds of things customers like, so they can suggest new products to buy. Feifei 这里是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。这集节目中介绍的表达是 “big data”。So, Neil. How’s your research going now? Neil Umm… not well. It’s hard to know where to start. Feifei 我觉得你可能需要一些信息,比如用户在语言学习应用程序上的付费模式,用户登录高峰时间,登陆后在线持续的时间,不同语言水平的用户需求如何变化,第一语言的数据,哪种…… Neil Stop, stop, stop. I’m trying to write all this down. Feifei? Feifei Yes? Neil Can I hire you as a big data analyst? Feifei Sorry, Neil, you’re too late. I’m launching a product of my own. It helps predict football scores. In fact, I need a bit more data from… 1987! Neil Ah! Well, I might just be able to help you out there! Feifei Yes, I think you were actually looking at my screen earlier. Neil Oh, sorry! You know, I think I’ll leave this big data stuff to the experts. Both Bye. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月09日 11:45
BBC地道英语:Take one for the team 为了集体牺牲个人
BBC地道英语:Take one for the team 为了集体牺牲个人

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 内容简介 Neil 和菲菲还有几位同事正要去听音乐会,却发现门票的数量不够。四个人,三张票,这可怎么办?究竟谁愿意做出牺牲,放弃这次集体活动的机会?听对话,学习一个提醒我们为了集体利益,把别人放在自己前面的实用短语。 文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。) Feifei Neil,所有东西都带齐了吗? Neil Think so. I’ve got the tickets, most importantly. Would not want to miss this concert! Feifei Let me see. One, two, three… Neil? Neil Yes? Feifei There’re only three tickets. You know Dan’s coming too, right? Neil Really? Oh man. We’re one short! Feifei What to do? Neil I don't know. Feifei Neil, it’s OK. I’ll take one for the team. I’m a bit tired anyway. Neil Are you sure? I could… Feifei Don't worry. I know how much you love this band! Neil Too kind. Before I head off, let’s explain the phrase Feifei used. To take one for the team is to give something up for the benefit of others – usually for your friends or colleagues, or your sports team, for example. Feifei 因为门票数量不够,所以我放弃了去听演唱会的机会,让别的同事去了。I took one for the team. “Take one for the team” 这个短语的意思就是 “为了集体利益,牺牲个人利益”。 Neil And I’m very grateful. Now, listen to these examples. Examples There wasn’t enough space in the car for all of us, so Johnny took one for the team and walked. Valentyna injured her foot in the first half of the game. She wanted to continue playing, but we decided that someone else should play in the second half to give us the best chance of winning. Valentyna took one for the team. Sometimes you have to take one for the team. Last week, I spent the day clearing out the kitchen while the rest of the family went to the beach. Neil You're listening to Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English. In this programme, we're looking at the expression 'take one for the team'. Right, I better get going. Feifei Before you go, Neil, I just want to ask something. Neil Yes? Feifei We need someone to do the late shift next week. I was wondering… Neil Feifei, don’t you worry. I’ll take one for the team. Feifei I knew you would! Thanks, Neil. Now, go and enjoy the show! Both & nbsp;& nbsp; Bye. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月09日 11:43
BBC今日短语:To sound hoarse 声音嘶哑
BBC今日短语:To sound hoarse 声音嘶哑

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 今日短语 在嗓子痛或喉咙发炎时,人们说话的声音往往不如平时那样清晰有力,甚至连说话都会感到非常吃力。英语表达 “to sound hoarse” 可以形容一个人的 “嗓音微弱而嘶哑”。 例句 Have you got a cold, Liz? You sound a bit hoarse. 你感冒了,莉兹?你的声音听起来有点沙哑。 I need to take some cough medicine for my sore throat – I’m very hoarse. 我得吃点止咳药来治嗓子疼,我嗓子哑了。 Xiao Liang isn’t coming to work today. I spoke to him on the phone and he sounded very hoarse. 小梁今天不来上班了。我和他通了电话,他的声音听起来很沙哑。 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月09日 11:39

   内容简介 如果要描述一件有趣的事,应该用 “fun” 还是 “funny”?这两个词不仅长得像,含义也相近,应该如何区分它们?看本集 “一分钟英语”,学习如何正确地使用 “fun” 和 “funny”。 文字稿 Hi, I’m Phil from BBC Learning English, and today I’m going to tell you how to use the words fun and funny… They're both words we use to talk about happy things – but they don’t mean the same thing So we use fun to talk about things that we enjoy. So – I think going out with friends is fun – watching football is fun, practising English is fun… it is, isn’t it? Now the main use of funny is…. Something that makes you laugh. Jokes make you laugh, comedy films make you laugh – people make you laugh. So, if it makes you happy – it’s fun and If it makes you laugh – it’s funny. 用法总结 Both fun and funny are used to talk about happy things. 单词 “fun” 和 “funny” 都可以用来谈论令人快乐的事情。 Fun  Fun is used to talk about things we enjoy. “Fun” 用来谈论我们享受做、喜欢做的事情。 Watching football is fun. Practising English is fun. Funny Funny is used to talk about things that make us laugh. “Funny” 用来谈论让我们发笑的事情。 Jokes are funny. Comedy films are funny.[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月09日 11:13
BBC今日短语:Bunged up 鼻子不通气,鼻塞
BBC今日短语:Bunged up 鼻子不通气,鼻塞

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 今日短语 形容词短语 “bunged up” 用于描述因感冒而引起的 “鼻塞” 症状,也就是平时说的 “鼻子不通气”。这是英国人在口头对话中常用的表达。 例句 My nose is so bunged up at the moment. I can’t breathe easily. 我的鼻子现在特别不通气。我呼吸困难。 Does anyone have any cold medicine? I am bunged up. 有人有感冒药吗?我感冒了,鼻子不通气。 He was really difficult to understand over the phone yesterday as he had a cold and was bunged up. 昨天他在电话里说话很难听清楚,因为他感冒了,鼻子不通气。 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月08日 11:37
BBC地道英语:Mind your p's and q's 注意你的言谈举止
BBC地道英语:Mind your p's and q's 注意你的言谈举止

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 内容简介 Neil 要做一个重要的演讲,但是菲菲为什么提醒他要特别注意字母 “P” 和 “Q” 呢?听节目,学习短语 “mind your p’s and q’s”——它可以提醒我们在正式场合要注意礼节。 文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。) Feifei So, tonight’s the night, Neil. How do you feel? Neil A bit nervous, but mostly excited. I’ve been practising my speech all morning. Feifei Just go out there, smile, and don’t forget: mind your p’s and q’s! Neil Eh? I know how to spell, Feifei. Feifei You know what I mean! Neil Don’t worry! I won’t offend anyone. Feifei 这集 “地道英语” 节目里,我们要教大家如何使用表达 “mind your p’s and q’s”。当我们告诉一个人 “mind your p’s and q’s” 的时候,我们实际是在告诉这个人要注意礼貌,注意自己的言谈举止。 Neil Feifei, I’m always on my best behaviour. Now, let me practise my speech. Feifei And I’ll play some examples. Examples Gang, Gang, Gang! How many times have I told you to mind your p’s and q’s when you’re with your grandparents? Grandma doesn't like that kind of language! Last week’s meeting with our new clients was super frustrating. But I had to mind my p’s and q’s. As they say, the customer’s always right! Lan always says the first thing that comes into her head. I just hope she minds her p’s and q’s at lunch today. Feifei 这里是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。在这集节目中,我们教给大家的表达是 “mind your p’s and q’s”。So Neil, finished practising your speech? Neil Not yet. I’ve been distracted by today’s phrase. I’ve been looking it up online. Feifei And? Neil Nobody agrees where it came from. There’re so many theories. One is that printers back in the 19th Century used to get confused between the small letters p and q. Feifei They do look similar! So they had to mind their ps and qs. Makes sense. Neil And there’s another about bartenders in 17th Century England. They used to serve beer in measures called pints and quarts. Pints with a ‘P’ and quarts with a ‘Q’. When a customer was drinking too much… Feifei … They were told to mind their pints and quarts? Their p’s and q’s? Yes, makes sense too. Neil And there’s another… Feifei Neil? Neil Yes? Feifei Your speech is in one hour. Shouldn’t you be practising? Neil Oh! So it is. Feifei And… Mind your p’s and q’s! Neil OK, bye! Feifei Bye. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月08日 11:28
BBC地道英语:Punch above your weight 挑战重量级,超常发挥
BBC地道英语:Punch above your weight 挑战重量级,超常发挥

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 内容简介 Neil 正在追一个女孩。菲菲认为 Neil 成功的希望不大,但是 Neil 说:“I punch above my weight”。这是什么意思?“重拳出击” 和 Neil 交女朋友之间有什么联系?听对话,学习实用表达 “punch above one’s weight”。 文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。) Feifei So Neil… Neil Yes, Feifei? Feifei 大家都想知道,刚才和你一起吃午饭的漂亮姑娘是谁? Neil Ah, she’s… just a friend. A new friend. Err, a very nice, new friend. Feifei Ooh, you really like her! Neil Well, she’s lovely, yes. She’s a doctor. Feifei Neil, I just can’t help thinking… she’s so pretty! Neil What are you saying, Feifei? She’s too pretty for me? As you know, I punch above my weight! Feifei You certainly do. And I’m not saying you’re fat! Neil Haha, yes. ‘To punch above your weight’ is our phrase in this Authentic Real English. It means to achieve beyond what’s expected of you. Feifei 这个源于拳击运动的表达 “to punch above your weight” 的本意是 “能和高于自己重量级别的对手较量”。现在,我们用它来描述一个小国家的实力堪比大国,一个小公司可以叫板大巨头;或者一个人能做超越自己能力范围的事情。上面,Neil 说自己女朋友各方面条件都比他的好,所以我们可以说:“Neil is punching above his weight.”。 Neil Hey, Feifei. That was a bit harsh. Anyway, let’s hear these examples. Examples Croatia punches above its weight when it comes to football. It has a population of under 5 million, but came second in the World Cup. Even as a small business, you can punch above your weight if you focus on quality and build a strong brand. Some of the cheaper smartphones are really punching above their weight - they're a fraction of the price but have got some great features. Feifei 这里是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。在这集节目中,我们给大家分享的表达是 “to punch above your weight”。So, Neil, how did you meet this mystery woman? Neil Well, she’s a doctor. You know I was going to boxing class earlier this year? Feifei Yes, how’s that going? Neil Well, I stopped. I was training with someone much bigger than me, and I, err… broke my nose. Feifei You were literally punching above your weight! 你这可是真正的对抗高重量级选手,挑战预期。 Neil Yes. And who should I meet at the hospital but this beautiful doctor! Feifei Well, it’s a good story. Shame it’s not true. Neil I know. I’ve never boxed in my life! Feifei And I know you had lunch alone today. Neil Ahh. But I hope the story helps teach this phrase! Feifei I hope so too. Neil Anyway, if you’re not busy… fancy lunch tomorrow, Feifei? Feifei There you go again, punching above your weight! Neil Ha! Both Bye. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月08日 11:26
BBC英语大破解:Christmas toys for poor children
BBC英语大破解:Christmas toys for poor children

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 本集内容 Christmas toys for poor children 送给贫困儿童的圣诞玩具 学习要点 有关 “poverty(贫穷)” 的词汇 边看边答 Why did 'Sabrina' fall into poverty? 文字稿 Superheroes and playing cards at Benthal Primary School in Stoke Newington. They're dressed up to raise money for the Winter Toy Appeal. 孩子们装扮成了超级英雄和纸牌——这里是斯托克纽因顿的本瑟尔小学。他们这是为了给 “冬季玩具捐赠呼吁” 筹款而盛装打扮。 43 percent of children in inner London are living in relative poverty. This annual appeal was set up in response. The co-founder delivers another load of brand new toys to the Hackney Foodbank in Hoxton. 伦敦市区43%的儿童生活相对贫困。这项年度捐赠呼吁是作为回应而设立的。项目联合创始人向霍克斯顿的哈克尼食物银行提供了又一批全新的玩具。 Basil Fasal, Winter Toy Appeal Thousands of children in this area are really suffering and living in poverty. So our aim is to try to ensure that all of them get a special present to open on Christmas Day. 巴兹尔·法赛尔 & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; 冬季玩具捐赠呼吁 “这个地区有成千上万的儿童都在受苦受穷。所以我们的目标是尽力确保他们在圣诞节当天都能收到一份特别的礼物。” 'Sabrina' has received one of the gifts. “萨布丽娜”收到了其中的一个礼物。 Conscious of the stigma surrounding her situation, she prefers not to be fully identified. After her contract ended abruptly, she was forced to apply for universal credit [government assistance], but the money took three months to arrive. 意识到她的处境并不光彩,她不愿完全透露自己的个人信息。她的工作合同被突然中止后,她被迫申请了政府补助的统一福利救济金,但这笔钱用了三个月才到账。 'Sabrina', parent My car ended up getting repossessed. I ended up falling into rent arrears. You don't want to see your child's face on Christmas Day, you know, no presents under the tree or not even a single present even if you don't have a tree. But nothing to open and then when they go back to school. "What did you get for Christmas?" “萨布丽娜” & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;家长 “我的车最后被收回了。我落得拖欠房租的地步。你不想在圣诞节那天看到你的孩子脸上的表情——当他发现圣诞树下面没有礼物,甚至一个礼物也没有,即使没有圣诞树。没有礼物可拆,回到学校以后,可能会被问:‘你圣诞节收到了什么礼物?’” Toys have been pouring in from online deliveries and brought in person to collection points. 人们在网上订购的玩具被源源不断地运来,也有人亲自将玩具送到收集点。 词汇 appeal 呼吁 food bank 食物银行(泛指这类机构时 “food” 和 “bank” 分开写) suffering 受苦 stigma 不光彩,耻辱 问题答案 Her contract ended abruptly and the money from universal credit took three months to arrive. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月07日 16:53
BBC地道英语:Social media influencer 网络红人
BBC地道英语:Social media influencer 网络红人

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 内容简介 Neil 正在想方设法解释 “social media influencer” 这个说法的意思。还好,菲菲可以帮他。但是为什么 Neil 突然有了一个新的商业计划呢?他为什么要留长胡子?听他们的对话,学习 “social media influencer” 这个新表达的意思和用法。 文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。) Feifei Hi, Neil. 你怎么看起来一脸愁苦的样子? Neil Err, not really. Just writing a script for Authentic Real English. I’m a bit stuck. Feifei 你为了写节目稿子发愁?先别愁,告诉我你要介绍的表达是什么? Neil Social media influencer. Feifei Well, that’s easy. Neil Maybe for someone young and trendy like you! Go on then, tell me. Feifei Let me talk you through it step by step. 社交媒体 “social media”,你知道吧? Neil Of course! Weibo, WeChat, TikTok… Feifei A social media influencer is someone who has a lot of followers online – and who is an expert or authority in a particular subject – like photography or cookery or make-up. 在汉语里,我们把这类在网上有很多追随者的社交媒体影响者 “social media influencer” 叫做 “网红”。 Neil 网红。OK. Feifei 网红们说什么、干什么、买什么、吃什么、穿什么都被网民关注。Which is why we call them ‘social media influencers’. Or simply, ‘influencers’. Neil OK, I have a few followers. So if I start, say, growing a long moustache, and all my friends copy me – could you say I was a social media influencer? Feifei Umm… I suppose so! And what might happen is the marketing department of a company selling moustache products gets in touch – and pays you to start using their moustache oil? Neil OK. I like the sound of this. Grow a moustache and get paid. Let’s listen to some examples. Examples Our company was finding it hard to reach new customers aged 16-25. Then we hired a few social media influencers and sales just rocketed. Kylie Jenner is one of America’s biggest social media influencers. Companies pay her up to a million dollars for a single post! There’s a lot of debate about whether or not influencers should be open about who is paying them to promote products. Feifei 这里是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。本集节目中介绍的表达是 “social media influencer”。So, Neil, how’s the script going? Neil I’m not writing it any more, Feifei. I’m focussing full time on my new business. Feifei Ah, I see you’ve grown a moustache. Are you going to post a picture so all your umm… twenty followers can see it and be influenced by your amazing style? Neil Don’t worry, I’ve realised I don’t have enough followers, or authority, to influence anyone, Feifei. But I have discovered there’s a gap in the market for organic moustache oil! Feifei 你真厉害!Neil 自创的有机面部胡须油 “Neil’s Marvellous Moustache Oil”。 Neil Nice. Now, I just need to find an influencer to help me with marketing. A hairy influencer. Feifei Good luck, Neil! Feifei and Neil Bye. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月07日 16:33
BBC地道英语:Dad dancing 老爸舞姿
BBC地道英语:Dad dancing 老爸舞姿

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 内容简介 Neil 自认为舞姿很美。菲菲可不大同意,说他的舞姿是 “dad dancing”。到底什么样的舞姿才算是 “dad dancing”?“Dad dancing” 究竟是不是一件让人尴尬的事情?听 Neil 和菲菲的对话。 文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。) Neil Great party last night, Feifei! Feifei It was so much fun, Neil. I loved your dad dancing too! Neil You… saw my dad… dancing? But my dad wasn’t dancing. He wasn’t even there. Feifei No, no, no. You know what I mean: ‘dad dancing’. It means dancing… well, like a dad. Neil I’m not sure where you’re going with this? Feifei “Dad dancing” 是这集 “地道英语” 节目里要介绍的表达。“Dad dancing” 描述了一种笨拙、过时、太做作的舞姿。 Neil What are you saying? I can moonwalk. I can spin on the spot. I can swing my arms in the air. I’ve got all the moves! Feifei 哈,这些可都是经典的 “dad dancing” 舞步!Don’t worry – it looked like you were really enjoying yourself. Neil It’s OK, I get it. Some of my moves are a bit old-fashioned. But sometimes it just feels good to let go! Feifei I think your kids were a little bit embarrassed. Neil Really? They’re just jealous. Feifei Haha, maybe! OK, let’s hear some examples. Examples Wow, look at Ernesto. Is he swinging a cat? What a dad dancer! Katka's dad was hilarious at the wedding. Everyone had stopped dancing, but he was still up there dad dancing, showing off all his moves. I used to think Dad’s dad dancing was funny. But after he injured his ankle really badly last time, I think it’s time he slowed down. Feifei 这里是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。这次我们教给大家的表达是 “dad dancing”。Neil? Neil Yeah… Uh-huh… OK, so next Wednesday? Yeah, OK. I’ll see you! Feifei Who were you calling? Neil I’ve just booked some dance lessons. You’ve helped me realise I need to improve my skills. Feifei I was only teasing, Neil. Neil It’s OK. If I’m dancing, I want to be the best dancer on the floor. And if I’m dad dancing, well, I want to be finest dad dancer you’ve ever seen! Feifei Best of luck. Bye! Neil Bye. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月07日 13:49
BBC今日短语:Do numbers 社交媒体内容 “大受欢迎”
BBC今日短语:Do numbers 社交媒体内容 “大受欢迎”

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 今日短语 在口语中,搭配 “do numbers” 按字面意思来翻译是 “数字大好”,它指有很多人给一个社交媒体账号所发布的内容点赞、分享或评论,也就是通过数字证明内容非常受人欢迎。如果一篇文章 “do numbers”,那么它的互动量就很高。 例句 I never expected my videos to be successful, but after a year of posting, they’re doing numbers! 我从来没想到我的视频能这样成功,但在发表一年之后,它变得很受欢迎! If my channel does numbers, I’ll quit my job and focus on social media. 如果我的频道能大受欢迎,那我就辞职,一心一意地经营我的社交媒体。 My posts haven’t done numbers recently – I might have to change my content. 最近我发布的帖子互动量不高。我可能得改一下我的内容了。 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月07日 13:47
BBC今日短语:As sick as a dog 病得很严重
BBC今日短语:As sick as a dog 病得很严重

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 今日短语 在英语口语中,固定搭配 “as sick as a dog” 通常用来形容一个人因为吃坏了肚子而在一段时间内 “身体很不舒服,病得很严重”。在描述吃坏肚子的上下文中,“as sick as a dog” 也可以指一个人 “呕吐得很厉害”。它可以和动词 “be” 或 “feel” 搭配使用,即 “to be as sick as a dog” 和 “to feel as sick as a dog”。 例句 I’m going to have to get off the train as I feel as sick as a dog. 我得下火车,因为我恶心想吐,难受得要命。 Doctor, I was as sick as a dog after eating a pineapple. I vomited a lot. 大夫,我吃了一个菠萝之后,难受得不得了,吐得一塌糊涂。 He couldn’t come to work yesterday because he was as sick as a dog. He ate too much the night before and felt really ill. 他昨天不能来上班,因为他病得很严重。前一天晚上他吃得太多了,感觉非常不舒服。 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月07日 13:45
BBC地道英语:Goldilocks 金凤花姑娘的 “恰到好处”
BBC地道英语:Goldilocks 金凤花姑娘的 “恰到好处”

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 内容简介 菲菲和 Neil 去餐馆吃饭。菲菲挑三拣四,连坐在哪里都决定不了。Neil 因此很生气,说菲菲是 “Goldilocks” 金凤花姑娘。但这和一个传统童话故事中的小女孩有什么关系呢?果断来学习这个词语的用法吧! 文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。) Feifei So this is it, Neil - the cafe I wanted to try for breakfast. Neil Looks lovely, Feifei! Let’s get a table. Feifei How about this one by the window? Neil Great. Feifei Oh, nah, bit too bright. How about this one in the corner? Neil Looks good. Feifei Bit too dark. And this one is close to the coffee machine… Err, bit too noisy. Erm, what about…? Neil Feifei. Are you going to keep Goldilocksing all day? Or can we actually order some breakfast?! Feifei Goldilocksing? 你是说童话中的 Goldilocks “金凤花姑娘” 吗?啊,我懂你的意思了。Sorry, Neil. Neil Yes, let’s just sit right here while I explain. The phrase comes from a fairy tale about a little girl called Goldilocks. One day she finds an empty house in the forest. In the kitchen, there are three bowls of porridge. She tries them one by one. The first one is too hot, the second one is too cold, and the third one is just right. Feifei “Goldilocks” 金凤花姑娘总是需要花很长的时间来作出任何选择。Oh, and then she chooses a chair to sit on, doesn’t she? Neil Yes, and that takes a long time too. And finally she sees three beds… and takes a long time to choose which one to sleep in! Feifei 所以,你的意思是我就像金凤花姑娘一样——慢慢地决定坐在哪里,试图找到最完美的那个座位。 Neil Exactly. And I’m hungry. And you know what happens to Goldilocks? Feifei Yes, I do. 金凤花姑娘闯入的房子是三只熊的家。三只熊回家的时候金凤花姑娘正在酣酣大睡。OK, let’s play some examples, while we start looking at the menu. It might take… a long time. Examples Ling, can you stop Goldilocksing and just decide what to drink? Happy hour is almost finished! Juan took a Goldilocks approach to decorating his apartment – everything had to be just right. They say our planet is in the Goldilocks zone – it’s not too hot and not too cold to support life. It’s just the right temperature. Feifei 这里是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。这集节目中,我们在一起学习 “Goldilocks” 的意思和用法。在上面的例句里,我们听到了 “Goldilocks” 的动词用法 “Goldilocksing”—— Ling was Goldilocksing. Neil And as an adjective: a Goldilocks approach, the Goldilocks zone. Feifei Anyway, Neil, have you decided what to eat? Neil Err, actually… not yet! Feifei Now who’s the Goldilocks?! Let me order for both of us. Two bowls of porridge, please! Neil And not too hot! Both Bye. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月07日 13:42

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 如果想描述一个人有做一件事情的能力(ability),就可以使用固定搭配 “able to” 或情态动词 “can”;如果想描述一个人不具备做一件事情的能力,那么则应该用 “unable to” 或 “can’t”。情态动词 “could” 和它的否定形式 “couldn’t” 可分别用来谈论一个人在过去是否具有做一件事情的能力。此外,情态动词 “can、could” 和 “might” 都可以用来描述一件事发生的可能性(possibility)。 做八道题,考一考自己能否正确使用表示能力和可能性的情态动词。 1. He’s lived in Russia. He _______ speak Russian fluently. a) can b) mustn’t c) will have to d) is better 2. Jimi Hendrix was so talented, he _______ play the guitar with his teeth! a) may b) should c) could d) will 3. I don’t think _______ travel to Mars for a long time. a) we have to b) we should have to c) we must d) we’ll be able to 4. Which of the following sentences expresses possibility? a) That noise must be the protesters marching through the streets. b) She might have stolen the money – she knew where I kept it. c) You don’t look very well, you should see a doctor. d) You don’t have to submit your essay until the 2nd of March. 5. The trains aren’t running normally, so there _______ a problem getting to the match on Saturday. a) could be b) can’t be c) can be d) should be 6. She didn’t have a driving license then, so she _______ drive a car. a) mustn’t b) can’t c) couldn’t d) shouldn’t 7. I’m really sorry, but I _______ come to dinner on Tuesday, I’ve got too much work to do. a) wouldn’t b) couldn’t c) shouldn’t d) won’t be able to 8. Which of the following sentences expresses ability? a) Students should wear uniforms to school at all times. b) You can’t learn how to ballet dance without going to ballet classes. c) Where is everyone? They should be here by now! d) You might find that shirt you want from this shop. 答案 1) a, 2) c, 3) d, 4) b, 5) a, 6) c, 7) d, 8) b. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2020年01月02日 11:46
BBC你问我答:Fill in and fill out 区分表示 “填写” 的两个动词短语
BBC你问我答:Fill in and fill out 区分表示 “填写” 的两个动词短语

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 内容简介 听众 Iris 想知道动词短语 “fill in” 和 “fill out” 之间的差别在哪里。这两个短语都有 “填写” 的意思,但它们的用法并不完全相同。除了表示填写表格、文件、网页等内容以外,短语 “fill in” 和 “fill out” 之间还有那些区别?本集节目通过介绍动词短语的几个特点来帮助大家辨析这两个看似相同的短语。 欢迎你加入并和我们一起讨论英语学习的方方面面。请通过微博 “BBC英语教学” 或邮件与我们取得联系。我们的邮箱地址是 questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk。 文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。) Feifei大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “你问我答” 节目,我是冯菲菲。在这档节目中,我们回答大家在英语学习中遇到的各种难题和疑问。本期节目要回答的问题来自 Iris,我们来听一下她的问题。 Question 你好,“fill in”、“fill out” 都好像有 “填完” 的意思,想问差别在哪? Iris Feifei Iris,谢谢你来信提问。“Fill in” 和 “fill out” 都是动词短语。所有的动词短语至少都由两部分构成:一个动词和一个小品词。小品词可能是介词或副词。为了更好地理解动词短语的用法,首先应该考虑下面这两点: 第一、动词短语中的动词是否及物; 第二、动词和小品词是否能分开使用; 我们先来讲一讲,在哪些语境中既可以用 “fill in”,也可以用 “fill out”。它们通常都用来谈论有关填写表格、文件、网页信息的话题。比如,说 “填写” 试卷的时候,我们就可以用 “fill in” 或 “fill out”。除了这个共同点以外,这两个短语的后面也都可以直接加宾语,而且它们也都可以分开使用,意思相同。我们来听四个例句。 Examples The tourists were required to fill in a visa application. If you'd like to join the gym, please fill out this form with your information. Hi, is this customer support? Yes, I filled the sales information in, but my order hasn't gone through. Please finish filling the test out quickly. Time is almost up. Feifei 这里要提醒大家的是,如果想要明确动词短语中的代词是什么,那么必须把代词放在动词和小品词之间。来听两个例句,注意,代词都用被放在 “fill in” 和 “fill out” 的中间。 Examples Hi, is this customer support? Yes, I filled it in, but my order hasn't gone through. Please finish filling it out quickly. Time is almost up. Feifei 上面讲过了 “fill in” 和 “fill out” 的共同点,那么,下面来看看它们的不同。首先,“fill out” 有一个 “fill in” 没有的意思。“Fill out” 可以指人因为年龄大了而长胖、发福。在表达这层意思的时候,“fill out” 的后面不需要加宾语,而且动词和介词不能分开来。来听一个用 “fill out” 表示 “发福” 的例句。 Example Kai? Is that you? Wow! You've really filled out! Last time I saw you, you were a boy! Feifei 下面来说说 “fill in” 的另一层意思。“Fill in” 可以表示 “填补、填满” 一个事物。在这个用法中,我们需要在 “fill in” 的后面加宾语,而且 “fill in” 在这里可以分开使用。来听两个例句。 Examples The new councillor promised to repair the roads and fill in all the potholes. Once the new canal was complete, the builders filled the old riverbed in. Feifei 另外,动词短语 “fill in” 还可以表示 “代替、临时补缺一个岗位”。在工作场景中,一位同事生病不能上班,另一人临时替班,这时就可以用 “fill in”。在表达这层含义的时候,“fill in” 的后面加介词 “for”——“fill in for someone”,意思就是 “代替、临时补缺”。我们来听两个例句。 Examples The young teacher told the students that their regular teacher had flu so he would be filling in for her. Lu has broken her arm so will be off for a month. We need to find someone to fill in for her. Feifei 如果我们在 “fill”、“in” 这两个词当中间加一个连字符,那么它就变成了名词 “fill-in”,意思是 “代理某个空缺岗位的人”。在读的时候,重音在前。来听一个例句。 Example Everyone, this is Di. She'll be the fill-in while Cara is away on maternity leave. Feifei 除了 “fill something in” 以外,我们还可以 “fill someone in”,意思是 “向某人提供信息或消息”。来听一个例句。 Example The business advisor filled the team in on the new company strategy. Feifei 好了,以上我们介绍了 “fill in” 和 “fill out” 的相同之处和它们各自独有的用法。我们再来总结一下:在表示 “填写” 文件、表格的时候,“fill in” 和 “fill out” 没有区别。除此之外,它们各自独有的意思包括以下这几点:“fill out” 可以指一个人因年龄增大而 “发福、长胖”;“fill in” 的用法更多——“fill in for someone” 可以表示 “代替、填补一个空缺的岗位”;“fill someone in on something” 可以用来表示 “向某人提供信息或消息”。 如果你在英语学习中遇到了疑问,可以把问题发送到我们的邮箱,邮箱地址是 questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk,你也可以通过微博 “BBC英语教学” 与我们取得联系。谢谢收听 “你问我答” 节目。我是冯菲菲。下次再见! 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2019年12月31日 14:11
BBC随身英语:The future of Britain's high streets 英国传统购物街的未来
BBC随身英语:The future of Britain's high streets 英国传统购物街的未来

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 英国的传统商业街被称为 “high street” 高街,这是购物者过去购买时尚品牌和必需品的地方,也是能找到熟悉高街品牌商店和连锁咖啡馆的地方。然而现在,面对来自大型购物中心和互联网购物的竞争,传统购物街的数量逐年减少,再也不见往日的熙攘。“随身英语” 讨论英国购物街近年来的变化。 Vocabulary: shopping 词汇:购物 Do you like shopping? For shopaholics in the UK, the place to head to used to be the ‘high street’. This location refers to the streets in the centre of a town where businesses and popular branches of retail chains could be found. It was the place where you could find familiar fashion brands and essential everyday items. But change in our shopping habits has taken its toll on the British high street. News about shops losing money and shutting is now common. Some city-centre department stores have closed and even long-established retailers such as Marks and Spencer have reported profit slumps. According to the accountancy firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers and the Local Data Company, a record 2,481 shops disappeared from UK high streets last year - up by 40%. Even some large warehouse-style stores in out-of-town retail parks, have gone bust and shut up shop. As the BBC’s Emma Simpson writes, things have become a lot harder for traditional retailers in recent years. They have faced rising costs from wages, business rates and the requirement to introduce Europe’s new data law. But the biggest threat has come from online shopping. She says “Consumers now spend one in every five pounds online - and if businesses are seeing 20% fewer sales on the shop floor, as well as their fixed costs rising, then profit margins will be squeezed.” While some of us like to window shop – browsing for things to buy, only to purchase them online at a discount - the fact is that, overall, shoppers are making fewer visits to high streets. Eventually, town centres could become like ghost towns. If people aren’t out and about shopping, they won’t use other services, like cafes, restaurants and cinemas. It also results in job losses. The British Retail Consortium has already warned that 900,000 UK retail jobs could be lost by 2025. The high street has also suffered from the advent of big shopping malls, which offer a retail experience under one roof, with free parking, away from the bad weather! Meanwhile, back on the high street, some shops still exist. Analysts have said it’s those that have moved away from traditional retailing that are surviving. These include beauty salons, nail bars and independent coffee shops – but are these kinds of shops enough to keep the British high street open for business? 词汇表 shopaholic 购物狂 branch 分店 retail chain 连锁店 brand 品牌 take its toll 造成损失 department store 百货公司 retailer 零售商 profit 利润 slump 猛跌,下滑 warehouse-style store 仓储式商店 out-of-town 城外的,市郊的 retail park (郊外的)购物区,零售商业区 bust 破产的 business rate 商业税 consumer 消费者 shop floor 实体店里,商店里 fixed costs 固定成本 margin 利润 window shop 只逛不买;浏览商店橱窗,但无意购买 browse 随意看 ghost town “鬼镇”,被废弃的城镇 shopping mall 购物中心 beauty salon 美容院 nail bar 美甲店 测验与练习 1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 1. According to the article, what sort of things could you buy on a traditional British high street? 2. Why are shops on the high street becoming more expensive to operate? 3. True or false? People are visiting the high street less because they look like ghost towns. 4. What can you do with your car at many large shopping malls? 5. According to the British Retail Consortium, what might be lost by 2025? 2 . 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。 1. Have you seen this new shopping website? It sells all my favourite _______ at half the usual price! brand & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; branded & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; branding & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; brands 2. _______ seem to be waking up to the idea that shoppers buy more if they are offered a discount. retailers & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;consumers & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;branches & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;independent 3. The stress of his job has _______ on his body – he looks like he’s 60 even though he’s only 39! take a toll & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; taken its toll & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; taken the toll & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; takes a toll 4. I prefer to shop at small _______ shops where you get personal service. out-of-town & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;shopping mall & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; browsing & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; independent 5. My boyfriend spends hours _______ but he never actually buys anything – it’s so annoying! window shops & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;window shopping & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;window shopped & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; window shopaholic 答案   1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 1. According to the article, what sort of things could you buy on a traditional British high street? You could buy fashion brands and essential everyday items on the British high street. 2. Why are shops on the high street becoming more expensive to operate? High streets are facing rising costs from wages, business rates and introducing Europe’s new data law – these are some of the fixed costs. 3. True or false? People are visiting the high street less because they look like ghost towns.False. Shoppers are making fewer visits to high streets. In the future town centres could become like ghost towns. 4. What can you do with your car at many large shopping malls? One of the advantages at many shopping malls is you can park your car for free! 5. According to the British Retail Consortium, what might be lost by 2025? The British Retail Consortium has already warned that 900,000 UK retail jobs could be lost by 2025. 2 . 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。 1. Have you seen this new shopping website? It sells all my favourite brands at half the usual price! 2. Retailers seem to be waking up to the idea that shoppers buy more if they are offered a discount. 3. The stress of his job has taken its toll on his body – he looks like he’s 60 even though he’s only 39! 4. I prefer to shop at small independent shops where you get personal service. 5. My boyfriend spends hours window shopping but he never actually buys anything – it’s so annoying! 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2019年12月31日 14:08
BBC你问我答:常用的从句引导词:who, which, that, whoever, whichever
BBC你问我答:常用的从句引导词:who, which, that, whoever, whichever

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 内容简介 本期节目回答来自署名为 “今天” 的网友发来的问题。今天想用单词 “who、which、that、whoever” 和 “whichever” 来造出正确的名词性定语从句,从而让自己的英语变得更丰富、生动。本期 “你问我答” 以定语从句的基本类型和结构来引入常用的引导词,并通过例句帮助大家深入理解这个英语语法点。 欢迎你加入并和我们一起讨论英语学习的方方面面。请通过微博 “BBC英语教学” 或邮件与我们取得联系。我们的邮箱地址是 questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk。 文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。) Feifei大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “你问我答” 节目,我是冯菲菲。在这档节目中,我们回答大家在英语学习中遇到的各种难题和疑问。本期 “你问我答” 要回答的问题来自一位叫 “今天” 的网友,他的问题是这样的: QuestionCould you please tell me how to use a noun clause? I know the words ‘who’, ‘whoever’, ‘which’, ‘whichever’ and ‘that’. But I don’t know how to use them properly. I’d appreciate it so much if you could give me the answers. Thank you!  Feifei这位网友的问题中提到的词语 “who、which、that” 和 “whoever”、“whichever” 都可以引导名词性从句。名词性从句在句子当中充当主语或宾语的成分。所以,在一个包含名词性从句的句子当中,如果去掉从句的部分,那么这句话在语法上是不成立的,下面先请大家听一下这些用 “who、which” 和 “that” 引导的名词性从句。在听句子的过程中,请大家思考,这些从句在句子当中充当的是主语还是宾语。 ExamplesI don't know who stole my car, but I will find out. Which thing you want to do is up to you.  That the music agent had never heard of the artist was very surprising. Feifei第一个句子中的说话者说:“I don’t know who stole my car.” 这里,“who” 引导的名词性从句是 “who stole my car”,它充当句子的宾语,表示说话者所不知道、不了解的信息是 “偷走他汽车的人是谁”。 在第二句话中:Which thing you want to do is up to you. 这个名词性从句由 “which” 引导,从句部分是 “which thing you want to do” 你想做哪件事,它充当句子的主语。所以,这句话的意思是:“你想做哪件事都由你。” 在最后一个例句中,“that” 引导的从句 “That the music agent had never heard of the artist” 是整个句子的主语,表示 “音乐经纪人没听说过这位艺人” 这件事让人感到很惊讶。 讲完 “which、who、that” 的用法,我们再来看看 “whoever” 和 “whichever”,这两个词语分别从 “who” 和 “which” 演变而来。名词性从句充当句子当中的名词成分。用 “whoever” 来举例,“whoever” 的意思是 “the person who” ……的那个人。我们先来听一个例句,句子的意思是:“很抱歉,我没看到拿走你包的那个人。” ExampleI didn't see the person who took your bag, I'm afraid. Feifei这里,我们可以用 “whoever” 来替换句中的 “the person who”,句意不变。而句子就变成了名词性从句:I didn't see whoever took your bag, I'm afraid. 而 “whichever” 的意思是 “……的那个事物”。先来听一个例句,句意是:“请拿你最喜欢的巧克力。” ExamplePlease take the chocolate which you most like. Feifei这里,我们可以用 “whichever” 来替换 “the chocolate which”,句意也不发生改变。句子则变成:Please take whichever of the chocolates you most like. Please take whichever you most like. 我们还可以用 “whoever” 来表达惊讶和疑惑,意思是 “到底是谁”。比如,在下面这句话中,说话者用 “whoever” 来表达他的惊讶,他说道:“谁总是从冰箱里偷我的食物?这个人惹大麻烦了!” ExampleWhoever keeps stealing my food from the fridge is in big trouble! Feifei另外,“whoever” 和 “whichever” 都可以表示 “任何……,无论……”,这个用法突出表示不需要确定具体的人或事。“Whoever” 的意思是 “任何人,无论什么人”。来听一个例句。  ExampleTell whoever calls in the next hour that I'm sleeping. Feifei在这个例句中,“whoever” 强调 “不论谁” 打来电话,都要告诉他们我在睡觉:Tell whoever calls in the next hour that I’m sleeping. 我们再来看 “whichever”。“Whichever” 可以表示 “任何事物,无论是什么”。比如:  ExampleWe can have whichever food you like for dinner. I don't have a preference.  Feifei在这个句子中,“whichever” 指 “no matter which”,晚饭你想吃什么我们就吃什么,我没有特别的偏好:We can have whichever food you like for dinner. I don't have a preference. 好了,希望在听了以上的讲解后,大家对名词性从句的常用引导词有了更进一步的了解。  如果你还想学习更多有关英语语法的内容,攻克让你困惑已久的英语难点,那么欢迎继续关注我们的节目。如果你有具体的问题,可以把问题发送到我们的邮箱,邮箱地址是 questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk,你也可以通过微博 “BBC英语教学” 与我们取得联系。谢谢收听 “你问我答” 节目。我是冯菲菲。下次再见! 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2019年12月31日 14:06
BBC随身英语:Sustainable fabrics of the future 既环保又耐用的未来服装面料
BBC随身英语:Sustainable fabrics of the future 既环保又耐用的未来服装面料

  [图片来源:Getty Images] “快时尚”(fast fashion)产业的兴起让消费者们能以低廉的价格买到紧跟潮流的时装,但这也意味着新的衣服往往没穿多久就会被送往垃圾场填埋或被焚烧。这一现象推动了人们对长久、耐用的纺织物的需求。“随身英语” 介绍这些新型的服装材料,并探讨怎样才能让追求时尚这件事变得更环保。 Vocabulary: fashion 词汇:时尚 Choosing what to wear can be a tricky problem, especially if you’re a fashion victim. Trying to keep up with the latest styles involves regular visits to the shops and sometimes forking out for expensive designer clothes. But when the fashion changes, these clothes languish in the back of cupboards gathering dust, or just get thrown away. There are many stores that now offer cheap ‘fast fashion’ – low-price items that imitate the styles of more expensive designer brands. Environmentalists are angered by the amount of energy involved in making these clothes and that many of them are made from non-recyclable materials. This means that items are just incinerated or go into landfill. Writing about this for the BBC, Eleanor Lawrie says that people in the UK are the worst in Europe for doing this - with a million tonnes of unwanted textiles a year being discarded. And she says “on top of often poor labour conditions for garment workers, the fashion industry is responsible for 20% of the world's waste water, and 10% of carbon emissions.” This is something the fashion industry is becoming more aware of and has led to a new crop of biomaterials that replace wasteful textiles like cotton and leather. Examples include Piñatex, a leather-like substance made from discarded pineapple leaves. It's been used in collections by Hugo Boss and H&M. And there’s mycelium, the root structure of mushrooms, that’s being used to create food, packaging and textiles. Cotton is a very resource-intense crop to grow. Eleanor Lawrie says “about 15,000 litres of water [are] required to make one pair of jeans.” So, buying organic cotton is a better choice. And there is also Tencel, also known as Lyocell, a natural product that's now growing in popularity. It's made by extracting cellulose fibre from trees; its manufacture is thought to use 95% less water than cotton processing. But creating sustainable textiles is only part of the battle – buying ethically, buying second hand and buying fewer clothes are the obvious environmentally friendly choices. Dr Richard Blackburn from Leeds School of Design told the BBC that “I don't think you should consider buying any item of clothing unless you commit to 30 wears. Unless you can do that you're not even starting to be sustainable.” 词汇表 fashion victim 盲目追求时尚的人 style (服装)风格,流行式样 fork out (不情愿地)付钱 designer 出自著名设计师的,名牌的 fast fashion “快时尚”,指更新频率高、价格低廉、紧跟时尚风潮的服装 material 材料 incinerate 焚烧 landfill 垃圾填埋场 textile 纺织品 discarded 被丢弃的 garment worker 服装工人 biomaterial 生物材料 cotton 棉 leather 皮革 Piñatex “菠萝皮革”,用菠萝叶制成的替代皮革面料 collection (服装品牌推出的)时装系列 organic 有机的 Tencel “天丝绒” Lyocell 莱赛尔纤维 cellulose fibre 再生纤维素纤维 sustainable 可持续的 ethically 符合道德准则地 测验与练习 1.  阅读课文并回答问题。 1. What happens to many of the clothes that can’t be recycled? 2. Which European country is the worst for throwing away unwanted clothes? 3. True or false? Using the natural product Tencel as an alternative to cotton, uses 15,000 litres less water to make one pair of jeans. 4. What does Richard Blackburn, from Leeds School of Design, recommend committing to when buying an item of clothing? 5. Which word used in the article means: ‘exist in an unwanted situation for a long time’. 2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思恰当的单词填入句子中的空格处。 1. Going to university can be expensive – I’m always _______ for text books, pens, food and going out every night! fork out & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;forking out & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;out forking & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;forking up 2. I went to a great fashion show where they showed lots of the latest _______ clothes – but I couldn’t afford to buy them. style & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;collection & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; designer & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;ethically 3. My boyfriend bought me a t-shirt made from hemp. I feel good wearing something made from a _______ material that will help the environment. sustainable & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;ethically & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; cotton & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; substance 4. I went to a party and saw my boss wearing a silly dress made from feathers – she is obviously a _______. fashion victims & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; fashionable victim & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; fashions victim & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; fashion victim 5. The car was completely _______ when it caught fire after the engine over-heated. sustainable & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;substance & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; carbon emissions & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;incinerated 答案 1.  阅读课文并回答问题。   1. What happens to many of the clothes that can’t be recycled? Many items are just incinerated (burned) or go into landfill. 2. Which European country is the worst for throwing away unwanted clothes? The BBC’s Eleanor Lawrie says that people in the UK are the worst in Europe. A million tonnes of unwanted textiles a year are discarded. 3. True or false? Using the natural product Tencel as an alternative to cotton, uses 15,000 litres less water to make one pair of jeans. False. About 15,000 litres of water [are] required to make one pair of jeans with cotton but Tencel is thought to use 95% less water than cotton processing. 4. What does Richard Blackburn, from Leeds School of Design, recommend committing to when buying an item of clothing? Richard Blackburn, from Leeds School of Design, told the BBC that “I don't think you should consider buying any item of clothing unless you commit to 30 wears.” 5. Which word used in the article means: ‘exist in an unwanted situation for a long time’. Languish. (When the fashion changes, these clothes languish in the back of cupboards gathering dust or just get thrown away.) 2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思恰当的单词填入句子中的空格处。  1. Going to university can be expensive – I’m always forking out for text books, pens, food and going out every night! 2. I went to a great fashion show where they showed lots of the latest designer clothes – but I couldn’t afford to buy them. 3. My boyfriend bought me a t-shirt made from hemp. I feel good wearing something made from a sustainable material that will help the environment. 4. I went to a party and saw my boss wearing a silly dress made from feathers – she is obviously a fashion victim. 5. The car was completely incinerated when it caught fire after the engine over-heated. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2019年12月31日 14:03
BBC今日短语:Burn off the calories / pounds 运动减脂
BBC今日短语:Burn off the calories / pounds 运动减脂

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 今日短语 搭配 “burn off the calories 燃烧卡路里” 或者 “burn off the pounds 减重” 的意思是通过大量体育锻炼 “消耗热量,减脂”。动词短语 “burn off something” 本身指能量或脂肪 “消耗、燃烧” 的过程。在谈论健身减重的语境中,“burn off the calories” 和 “burn off the pounds” 的使用频率都很高。 例句 A: Doctor, I'm putting on weight even though I'm not eating anything different. B: Running and swimming are two types of exercise that help burn off the calories quickly. Try them for a few weeks and see. “大夫,虽然我的饮食上没有任何变化,可还是在长胖。” “跑步和游泳是两种能帮你快速燃烧脂肪的运动。试几个星期,看看效果如何。” Wow, Mark! You look great! You've really been burning off the pounds at the gym, haven't you? 哇,马克!你看起来很不错啊!你在健身房运动,甩掉了不少脂肪,是不是? I really burned off the pounds for my sister's wedding but I put the weight back on afterwards! 为了参加妹妹的婚礼,我减掉了赘肉,但婚礼之后我就又胖回来了。 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2019年12月31日 14:00
BBC随身英语:Using technology to keep employees happy 用科技给员工 “造福利
BBC随身英语:Using technology to keep employees happy 用科技给员工 “造福利

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 半价电影票、“骑车上班” 计划、健身卡等早已成为许多公司用来优待员工的常见福利。但这些福利真的适合所有员工吗?如今,科技被用来帮助企业为员工们量身定做适合他们的个人福利。“随身英语” 聊一聊科技给企业员工福利带来的变化。 Vocabulary: work 词汇: 工作 Going to work can be a slog, especially if your job is full of tedious tasks and pointless meetings. Obviously, work is necessary to earn an income, and if you get good job satisfaction it’s a bonus! But what can make it more worthwhile are the extra perks that your employer offers you as a reward for your loyalty and commitment. Employee benefits are commonplace these days. Traditionally, these have included a good pension and extra days off work. But when a job used to be for life, there wasn’t much incentive to try and keep staff. Now millennials look to leave their jobs within the first two years, and when they are seeking a position, they want to know the benefits they’ll get on top of their pay. These include half-price cinema tickets, cycle to work schemes and gym passes. But these perks come at a cost to an employer, and now technology is being used to discover if and when they offer value for money. Writing for the BBC, Jessica Bown says “Emerging technologies such as data analytics, chatbots, and wearables can help employers know which benefits resonate with employees.” The idea is to avoid wasting money on things that don’t get used and enable a company to tailor what it can offer to attract and retain the right staff. As an example, at merchant bank, Close Brothers, AI has been used to develop chatbots that can help employees to find information on subjects ranging from mental health to saving for retirement at any time. And Microsoft has developed software to help businesses track their employee’s wellbeing needs. Anna Rasmussen, founder of Open Blend, told the BBC “It shows companies what their employees need to stay motivated and reach their full potential in real-time.” Insurance company Vitality offer wearable technology to track employees’ movements. Staff can earn ‘rewards’ by having their activity tracked. A study found that by measuring participant’s performance, they did the equivalent of 4.8 extra days of activity per month. It seems that if used in the right way, technology can provide greater engagement between an employee and the company. That can lead to a happier, healthier and committed work force. But human resources experts warn against relying solely on tech for deciding on employee benefits provision. Greater understanding of new technology and how it’s used is needed, they say. 词汇表 slog 费力的事情,苦活 task 任务 income 收入 job satisfaction 工作满意度 bonus 额外的好处 perk (工作)津贴,额外福利 loyalty 忠实,忠诚 commitment 投入,奉献 employee benefit 员工福利 pension 养老金 for life 一生的,终生的 incentive 激励 position 职位 cycle to work scheme 英政府通过抵税优惠鼓励企业员工健康环保出行的 “骑车上班” 福利计划 value for money 物有所值 resonate with 与……引起共鸣 tailor 专门制定,适应……的需要 retain 保留,保住 retirement 退休 wellbeing 幸福 motivated 有积极性的,充满动力的 full potential 最高潜力 engagement 互动 human resources 人力资源 测验与练习 1.  阅读课文并回答问题。 1. How long does the article say millennials stay in a job? 2. How does technology help employers retain the right staff? 3. What technology is being used at Close Brothers bank to help employees ask about their pensions anytime day or night? 4. True or false? Insurance company, Vitality, offer smart watches as an employee benefit for its staff. 5. Which word in the text means 'something that encourages a person to do something’? 2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思恰当的单词填入句子中的空格处。 1. My boss said I couldn’t go home until all my _______ had been completed. perks & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; tasks & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; slog & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;commitment 2. With a free phone upgrade and unlimited data, I think my new contract offers _______. money value & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; value of money & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;value for money & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; valued money 3. Following my pay rise, I feel very _______ to do a good job! commitment & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; engagement & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; wellbeing & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;motivated 4. I love helping people at work especially when they say ‘thank you’ - it gives me great _______. job satisfaction & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; job satisfying & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;job satisfactions & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;satisfaction job 5. The training is great. The instructors _______ the courses to the needs of the students. resonate & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; tasks & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;slog & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;tailor 答案 1.  阅读课文并回答问题。   1. How long does the article say millennials stay in a job? Research has found that millennials look to leave their jobs within the first two years. 2. How does technology help employers retain the right staff? Technology helps companies to see which employee benefits don’t get used and enable them to tailor what it can offer to attract and retain the right staff. 3. What technology is being used at Close Brothers bank to help employees ask about their pensions anytime day or night? It is using chatbots that can help employees to find information on subjects ranging from mental health to saving for retirement at any time. 4. True or false? Insurance company, Vitality, offer smart watches as an employee benefit for its staff. False. The company is offering smart watches to track employee’s activity. 5. Which word in the text means 'something that encourages a person to do something’? Incentive. (“When a job used to be for life there wasn’t much incentive to try and keep staff.”) 2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思恰当的单词填入句子中的空格处。  1. My boss said I couldn’t go home until all my tasks had been completed. 2. With a free phone upgrade and unlimited data, I think my new contract offers value for money. 3. Following my pay rise, I feel very motivated to do a good job! 4. I love helping people at work especially when they say ‘thank you’ - it gives me great job satisfaction. 5. The training is great. The instructors tailor the courses to the needs of the students. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2019年12月30日 17:59
BBC今日短语:Pump iron 举重锻炼
BBC今日短语:Pump iron 举重锻炼

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 今日短语 在汉语里,有人开玩笑用 “举铁” 来幽默地表示 “通过举重来锻炼身体”。与之相对应的英语搭配是 “pump iron 举重健身,做重量训练”,这个搭配用动词 “pump 打气” 来比喻举重时身体和四肢上下运动的样子;名词 “iron 铁” 代指 “哑铃、杠铃等重物”。“Pump iron” 是一个口语说法。 例句 You don't need to spend hours pumping iron in the gym to be healthy. There are lots of other forms of exercise that help you stay strong and fit. 你不必花大量的时间去健身房做重量训练来保持健康。你还可以通过很多其它的方式来强身健体。 My brother is a firefighter and he needs to stay strong for his job, so pumps a lot of iron in the gym. 我哥哥是一名消防员,他需要保持强壮的体魄来完成他的工作,所以他常去健身房举重锻炼。 Have you seen that tennis player's arms? She's been pumping iron! Her arms used to be really skinny. 你看见那个网球运动员的手臂了吗?她一直在做重量训练!她的手臂以前特别纤细。 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2019年12月30日 17:55

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 在汉语里,人们常用 “xxx 说、讲” 等词语来引述他人的话语。英语中像 “say” 和 “tell” 这类动词可被称为引述动词 “reporting verbs”。你还知道哪些引述动词? “Refuse、offer、suggest” 是引述词吗?它们怎么用?做小测验,学习如何正确引用他人的话。 1. Complete sentence B using the correct reporting verb. A: My daughter said: ‘No, I’m not eating meat! I’m vegetarian now.’ B: My daughter ______. a) denied eating meat. b) offered not to eat meat. c) refused to eat meat. d) threatened not to eat meat. 2. A: Jamie said: ‘I’ll never say anything bad about Jess again.’ B: Jamie ______ never say anything bad about Jess again. a) promised to b) threatened to c) offered to d) advised to 3. A: ‘You must never walk home alone after 7pm. It’s too dangerous,’ I said to Karina. B: I ______ Karina never to walk home alone after 7pm. a) asked b) promised c) recommended d) warned 4. She wouldn’t let anyone pay. She ______ for everyone’s meal herself. a) insisted on paying b) suggested that she would pay c) threatened to pay d) agreed that she would pay 5. I ______ him a lift to the train station, but he said no and got a taxi instead. a) recommended giving b) regretted not giving c) offered to give d) agreed to give 6. The dentist ______ Angelo to stop eating so many sweets. a) offered b) advised c) accused d) promised 7. The musician ______ copying the music from another song, saying it was all her original music. a) admitted b) regretted c) suggested d) denied 8. The police ______ that 27 people had been taken to hospital. a) confirmed b) suggested c) promised d) encouraged 答案 1) c, 2) a, 3) d, 4) a, 5) c, 6) b, 7) d, 8) a. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2019年12月30日 17:53

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 如果想用英语来谈论做一件事情是出于义务,那么则可以使用情态动词:“must” 必须、“mustn’t” 必须不;“have to” 有义务、 “don't have to” 没有义务。此外,也可以用 “need to” 、“need not” 或 “needn't” 来谈论是否有必要做一件事情。这些情态动词怎么用?做测验题,考一考自己是否真正掌握了这些表示义务和必要性的情态动词。 1. Complete the sentence so it expresses obligation. You _______ attend the meeting scheduled for midday in the Great Hall. a) would b) may be c) can d) have to 2. Complete the sentence so it expresses necessity. You _______ apply for your visa at the American Embassy. a) need to b) are able to c) could d) may 3. Complete the sentence so it expresses obligation. All humans _______ have regular and sufficient sleep if they want to be healthy. a) would b) must c) will d) can 4. Which of the following expresses no necessity? a) You must take your books to school, otherwise you can’t learn. b) You need to show your passport when you get to customs. c) You needn’t have brought a coat – it wasn’t very cold. d) He has got to take the entrance exam to be accepted to the university. 5. Complete the sentence so it expresses necessity. If we want the band to be successful, _______ work hard. a) we’ll have to b) we’ll be able to c) we could d) we can 6. Complete the sentence so it expresses obligation. You _______ respect your teachers. a) would b) could c) should d) can 7. Complete the sentence so it expresses necessity. The lioness _______ hunt in order to feed her family. a) has to b) could c) would d) should 8. Which of the following expresses no obligation? a) You should go and apologise to your sister. b) You won’t need to buy a gallery pass – the exhibition is free. c) You can’t work any longer – we’re locking the office now. d) You shouldn’t go to work today – you look very sick. 答案 1) d, 2) a, 3) b, 4) c, 5) a, 6) c, 7) a, 8) b. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2019年12月30日 12:30
BBC今日短语:Bulk up 身体变壮实;事物添分量
BBC今日短语:Bulk up 身体变壮实;事物添分量

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 今日短语 在谈论和健身有关的话题时,动词短语 “bulk up” 的意思是 “通过大量的锻炼使身材变得更壮实、块头变得更大”。但这里所谓的 “块头变大” 并不是指 “长胖”,而是特指 “通过锻炼增加肌肉的体积”。除此之外,“bulk up” 也可以用来泛指 “给……添加分量、加大”。 例句 John must have spent a lot of time at the gym lately. He’s really bulked up! 约翰最近肯定总是去健身房埋头苦练。他真的练得壮实了不少! After losing her last fight, the boxer decided to try and bulk up for her next match. 在输掉上一场搏斗之后,这名拳击手决定为赢得下场比赛练得更壮实一点。 Add some more vegetables to the soup – that should bulk it up a bit. 再往汤里加些蔬菜,这样汤就会更浓一点。 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2019年12月30日 12:28
BBC今日短语:Feel the burn 感受肌肉的灼烧感
BBC今日短语:Feel the burn 感受肌肉的灼烧感

  [图片来源:Getty Images] 今日短语 搭配 “feel the burn” 的字面意思是 “体会高强度训练时肌肉在燃烧的感觉”。人们在口语会话中常用这句话来激励、鼓舞正在锻炼的人,告诉他们:“再用点力,再努力点。” 例句 My boxing class instructor really pushes us to try harder each week. He's always shouting: 'Feel the burn!' 我的拳击课老师每周都督促我们要更努力训练。他总是大喊:享受肌肉燃烧的感觉! Do you need to feel the burn each time you exercise or is gentle exercise also effective? 每次锻炼的时候,你是需要感觉到肌肉的灼烧感,还是说轻微的运动也一样有效? When I started doing push-ups, I really felt the burn! But now they're getting easier, and it's not so painful. 我一开始做俯卧撑的时候,真的感觉到肌肉在燃绕!但现在做起来容易些了,也不像以前那样痛苦了。 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2019年12月30日 12:26
BBC你问我答:Tall and high 两者都可以表示“高的”,区别是什么?
BBC你问我答:Tall and high 两者都可以表示“高的”,区别是什么?

  [图片来源: Getty Images] 内容简介 听众 “小盆栽” 想知道形容词 “tall” 和 “high” 在表示 “高的” 这个意思时的区别。形容建筑物 “高大”,应该使用哪个词?想描述一个人的 “个子高” 时,是用 “tall” 还是用 “high”?要描述事物或人所在的位置 “高”,应该用 “tall” 还是 “high”?本期节目通过对比 “tall” 和 “high” 在生活场景中的不同用法来辨析这对近义词之间的区别。 欢迎你加入并和我们一起讨论英语学习的方方面面。请通过微博 “BBC英语教学” 或邮件与我们取得联系。我们的邮箱地址是 questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk。 文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。) Feifei大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “你问我答” 节目,我是冯菲菲。我们在每集节目中解答一个有关英语语法、词汇或是英国生活、文化方面的问题。这次要回答来自 “小盆栽” 的问题,问题由我来代读。 Question您好,孩子做试卷,完形填空有一道题不太清楚,应该用 “a tall building”,还是应该用 “a high building”。期待得到您的解答。  Feifei这位家长想知道,在形容建筑物 “高大” 的时候,是应该用单词 “tall” 还是 “high”。之所以有这样的疑问,可能是因为形容词 “tall” 和 “high” 都有 “高” 的意思,但它们的具体用法好像又不太一样,这就很容易让人产生疑惑。那么,在接下来的节目中,我们就来辨析近义词 “tall” 和 “high” 在表示 “高” 的意思的时候有哪些区别。 要想辨别这两个形容词,首先要牢记的原则是:“tall” 强调事物本身从 “头” 到 “脚” 之间的距离 “很长”;而 “high” 则强调事物最高点到某一个表面之间的距离 “很远”。 在这个基础上,还要记住以下的原则:形容 “一个人个子高”,不能用 “high”,只能用 “tall”。比如:Emily is very tall. 而不能说:Emily is very high. 第二:在描述又 “瘦” 又 “高” 的事物的时候,应该用形容词 “tall”。比如:tall buildings 高楼大厦;a tall tree 一颗大树。因为不论是高耸入云的摩天大楼,还是高大的树木,它们本身从头到脚之间的距离都很长。 那么,在哪些情况下应该用 “high”,而不能用 “tall”?首先,描述 “高而宽” 的事物,就应该用 “high”。比如:a high mountain 一座高山;a high wall 一面高墙;a high fence 一道高高的围栏。这是因为,这类事物的顶部离地面的距离“很远”。来听一个例句,例句的意思是:“这座山太高了,对初学者来说爬起来不容易。” ExampleThe mountain is too high for beginners to climb. Feifei再有,如果一个人或事物所处的位置离地面很远,就算本身的高度不能够和山峰、高楼相比,但对于说话人来说它 “太高了”,这个时候也应该用 “high”。举个例子,生活中可能遇到这样的场景:说话人够不到放在高处的东西,请别人帮忙。 ExampleThe steamer is on a high shelf. I can't reach it. Could you help, please? Feifei这个人说:“蒸锅被放在高处的架子上了,我够不着。能帮个忙吗?”。这里 “high shelf” 所指的是离地面距离远的那个架子,强调这个架子和地面之间的距离,而不是架子本身的高度。 再比如:在家里换灯泡的时候,可能需要站在梯子上、板凳或桌子上。这个时候,人和地面的距离就远了,那么人所处的位置高,就应该用 “high”。 ExampleI don’t like standing high up on ladders. Can you change the light bulb for me, please? Feifei这位说话者说:“我不喜欢站在高高的梯子上。你能把灯泡换了吗?”。这里,“high up on the ladder” 强调站在梯子上后离地面的距离远了,而不是人或梯子本身的高度。 好了,我们来回顾一下刚刚讲过的内容:形容词 “tall” 主要强调人或事物本身的高度 “很高”,比如:形容人个子 “高”,“I am tall.” 而不是 “I am high.”;或者形容一个又细又高的事物,比如:a tall building 一个高楼,而不能说 “a high building”。而形容词 “high” 多描述人或物体的顶端和地面之间的距离 “很高”,比如:一个事物所处的位置离地面很远,这个事物本身也很宽大 —— a high mountain 高山、a high wall 高墙;或者就算本身的高度没有山峰那么高,但对于说话人来说它所处位置在 “高处”,也应该用 “high”,比如:放在高处的一个架子 a high shelf。当然,如果一个人所处的位置离地面很远,在高空,那么也应该用 “high” 来描述人的所处位置 “很高”。 最后,我留给大家一个句子来体会 “tall” 和 “high” 之间的区别。也欢迎大家通过微博 “BBC英语教学” 跟我们讨论 “tall” 和 “high” 的使用方法。 下面就请大家来听这句话。注意听 “tall” 和 “high” 在这句话中的不同使用方法。 “That tall vase has been put on the high shelf against the high wall. But I am not tall enough to reach it. I need a ladder so I can get high enough to reach it. ” 谢谢收听,下次再会! 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2019年12月25日 14:41

  [图片来源: Getty Images] 英语中的混合条件句(mixed conditionals)或错综时间条件句指同一句话中包含两种不同时态的句子,分别用来谈论不同时间所发生的事情。混合条件句可以表达两类情况:第一类用来描述一种与过去相反的情况所导致的现在可能发生的结果;第二类用来描述一种与真实情况相反从而导致的与过去相反的可能结果。 混合条件句通常由表示事与愿违的虚拟条件句(third conditional)和表现在或未来情况的虚拟条件句(second conditional)的相应成分组成。比如:If I hadn't graduated from university, I wouldn't be who I am now. 如果我大学没毕业,就不会成为现在的自己。前半句使用了过去完成时,表示与过去相反的情况;后半句使用 “would (not) + 动词原形” 的结构,表示现在有可能发生的结果。做八道题,看看你能否选出时态正确且句意通顺的混合条件句。 1. Which of the following sentences uses the correct form of the mixed conditional? a) If Annika will tune her guitar, the sound would be so beautiful. b) If Annika had been tuning her guitar, the sound could be so beautiful. c) If Annika hadn’t tuned her guitar, the sound wouldn’t be so beautiful. d) If Annika wasn’t tuning her guitar, the sound would be so beautiful. 2. Which of the following sentences uses the correct form of the mixed conditional? a) If I hadn’t married an American, I wouldn’t be living in America. b) If I hadn’t married an American, I wouldn’t have been living in America. c) If I was going to marry an American, I could be living in America. d) If I didn’t marry an American, I wouldn’t have lived in America. 3. Which of the following sentences uses the correct form of the mixed conditional? a) If I studied history at university, I could have been a history lecturer. b) If I was studying history at university, I could be a history lecturer. c) If I had been studying history at university, I could be a history lecturer. d) If I had studied history at university, I could be a history lecturer. 4. Which of the following sentences uses the correct form of the mixed conditional? a) If his hearing wasn’t being so bad, he would have heard the doorbell. b) If his hearing was so bad, he would have heard the doorbell. c) If his hearing wasn’t so bad, he would have been hearing the doorbell. d) If his hearing hadn’t been so bad, he would hear the doorbell. 5. Which of the following sentences uses the correct form of the mixed conditional? a) If my manager wasn’t such a good leader, he wouldn’t have understood how to motivate everyone on the new project. b) If my manager hadn’t have been such a good leader, he wouldn’t have understood how to motivate everyone on the new project. c) If my manager won’t have been such a good leader, he wouldn’t have understood how to motivate everyone on the new project. d) If my manager wasn’t such a good leader, he wouldn’t have been understanding how to motivate everyone on the new project. 6. Which of the following sentences uses the correct form of the mixed conditional? a) If Chang wasn’t being interested in justice, he wouldn’t have studied law at university. b) If Chang wasn’t interested in justice, he won’t have studied law at university. c) If Chang wasn’t interested in justice, he wouldn’t have been studying law at university. d) If Chang wasn’t interested in justice, he wouldn’t have studied law at university. 7. Which of the following sentences uses the correct form of the mixed conditional? a) If Chu had passed her driving test, she would be buying a car. b) If Chu had passed her driving test, she would to buying a car. c) If Chu had been passing her driving test, she would buy a car. d) If Chu would have passed her driving test, she would buy a car. 8. Which of the following sentences uses the correct form of the mixed conditional? a) If I hadn’t been so angry, I wouldn’t have shouted at him. b) If I wasn't so angry, I would have shouted at him. c) If I won't be angry, I could have shouted at him. d) If I hadn't been so angry, I won't be shouting at him. 答案 1) c, 2) a, 3) d, 4) b, 5) a, 6) d, 7) a, 8) a. 实习编辑:姚依明 责任编辑:潘程[详情]

新浪教育综合| 2019年12月25日 14:37
