2022年中考(武汉卷)英语听力真题 长对话(1)

可可听力网 2022年09月12日 15:05:38

      no support!


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      Text 13: Hi, Mandy, how's your new school?


      It's great but I have to take the school bus every morning.


      Well, at least, you don't have to take the train anymore.


      But the bus comes at 6:30 am. I have to get up at 5:45 and leave home in 30 minutes or I will miss the bus.


      Wow, that's early. What about clothes? Do students have to wear uniforms?


      Yes, we do and they look nice.


      Cool! What about lunch?


      We can eat either at school or outside.


      Great! How's your school lunch?


      It's tasty but I hate waiting in a long line.


      Hi, Mandy, how's your new school?


      It's great but I have to take the school bus every morning.


      Well, at least, you don't have to take the train anymore.


      But the bus comes at 6:30 am. I have to get up at 5:45 and leave home in 30 minutes or I will miss the bus.


      Wow, that's early. What about clothes? Do students have to wear uniforms?


      Yes, we do and they look nice.


      Cool! What about lunch?


      We can eat either at school or outside.


      Great! How's your school lunch?


      It's tasty but I hate waiting in a long line.
