2022年中考(昆明卷)英语听力真题 句子(1)

可可听力网 2022年09月23日 15:05:38

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      1. Eating apples is good for our health.

      1. 吃苹果对我们的健康有好处。

      Eating apples is good for our health.


      2. Pandas are a treasure of China.

      2. 熊猫是中国的珍宝。

      Pandas are a treasure of China.


      3. Lucy goes to school by bus.


      Lucy goes to school by bus.


      4. Jeri is going to join the baseball club.

      4. 杰瑞打算加入棒球俱乐部。

      Jeri is going to join the baseball club.


      5. Peter had a stomachache last night.

      5. 彼得昨晚胃痛。

      Peter had a stomachache last night.
