2022年中考(昆明卷)英语听力真题 短对话

可可听力网 2022年09月27日 15:05:38

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  •       英中对照
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  •       英文在前
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      11. Which teachers do you like best?

      11. 你最喜欢哪位老师?

      I like Mr. King best. He teaches us math, and he can always make it fun.


      Question: Who is the boy's math teacher?


      Which teachers do you like best?


      I like Mr. King best. He teaches us math, and he can always make it fun.


      Question: Who is the boy's math teacher?


      12. I can't find my key. Where is it?

      12. 我找不到我的钥匙了。它在哪?

      It's in the bookcase, next to the ruler.


      Question: Where is the girl's key?


      I can't find my key. Where is it?


      It's in the bookcase, next to the ruler.


      Question: Where is the girl's key?


      13. What did you do last weekend?

      13. 你上周末做了什么?

      I just stayed at home and didn't go anywhere on Saturday. And I went to the art museum on Sunday.


      Question: What did the boy do on Sunday?


      What did you do last weekend?


      I just stayed at home and didn't go anywhere on Saturday. And I went to the art museum on Sunday.


      Question: What did the boy do on Sunday?


      14. What's the date today, Mike?

      14. 今天是几号,迈克?

      It's June the eighteen. The exams are over today. I'm going to see a movie the day after tomorrow.


      Question: When is Mike going to see a movie?


      What's the date today, Mike?


      It's June the eighteen. The exams are over today. I'm going to see a movie the day after tomorrow.


      Question: When is Mike going to see a movie?


      15. Hi, Tom. How do you learn English?

      15. 嗨,汤姆。你是怎么学英语的?

      I usually read English books. It can help me to learn some useful sentences.


      Question: How does Tom learm English?


      Hi, Tom. How do you learn English?


      I usually read English books. It can help me to learn some useful sentences.


      Question: How does Tom learm English?
