486 “我完蛋了”英文怎么说?

可可听力网 2023年12月04日 16:50:08

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      情景会话1 我忘了考试的事

      Alex: You remember we have the history exam tomorrow, right? (你记得我们明天有历史考试,对吧?)

      Zoey: What? I thought it was next week. I am so dead! (什么?我以为是下周。我完蛋了!)

      情景会话2 同事Linda又迟到了

      Zoey: You know our boss will be mad if you're late again. (你知道如果你再迟到,我们的老板会很生气的。)

      Linda: Yeah, I know. The alarm didn't go off this morning. I am so dead! (是的,我知道。今天早上闹钟没响。我完蛋了!)