

      美 [əv]

      英 [əv]

  •       abbr.(=value engineering)价值工程学
  •       v.〈口〉同“have”




      theusualwayofsayingorwritinghave’, addedtotheendofI’, ‘you’, ‘we’, ortheytoformthepresentperfecttenseThisisnotoftenusedinformalwriting






      This isn't about you, it's about himandtheweakness(as he sees it) that you've exposed for everyone to see.




      Ifyou've lost respectforme that'stotallyfinebutplease don't letmeor my wordslose the respect off the WNBA and what it stands for.




      They're showing how muchnutrition that theycould've obtained.




      The elevator is out of order.We've got to go up the stairs.




      Now that you've setup the messagetemplate,you're readytosend the potentialcustomer a follow-up letter.




      So,shamefully,hesaidto her, "I'm reallysorry. It seems thatI've eatenallyourpeanuts - I didn't mean to finish them all. "




      Butyou're the onlyone who candothis.Understand?Soyou've got to calmdown.




      "I'veheard stories about how muchheearns and it's mind-blowing, " Redknapp said.




      Okay, now,theseare my sprintinglegs, made ofcarbongraphite, like I said, and I've got tomakesure I've got therightsocket.




      Letme show youhowmuchI've enjoyed it.

