

      [guān zhù]





      followwithinterest; paycloseattentionto; showsolicitudefor



      全部,follow with interest,attention,concernFocus



      As you grow closer to him, he willgiveyou a passion for something he cares about deeplyso you can be a spokesman for himin the world.




      Heurgedthe BOJ tokeep its policy rateclose to zeroand"focusontrying to stop deflation."




      Mr. Weng saidhe did notinitiallyknow of Mr. Wang'srelationshipwith Ms. Guo, which apparently beganthiswinter.




      A bit ofmentaladjusting is requiredsinceMangooperatesdifferentlythanmostsmartphones:Actionsfocus on peoplerather than apps.




      Hisbiographershaveconjectured that Hughes'shypochondriabegan in childhood, with hismother's excessiveconcernfor his health.




      Hiseyesare going back and forth, up to me to see what I'm looking at,sowe've gotsharedattention.




      For sometime, the questionofDarfur,Sudan has beenafocus of attention of the internationalcommunity.




      isarare spectacular eventthat has always beena topic of great interestandspeculations.




      China's swift militarymodernization, and itslack of transparency in doing so, hascausedconcern among the U. S. andits allies inAsia.




      As the buzz of the goodnews subsided Ibegan to think of myownbreasthealth.

