

      [nóng zuò wù]








      全部,crops,farm crops,the fruits of the earthagronomic crop



      Writings confirm that thisperiodwasadifficult one for Norse settlements in thearea,marked by devastatingcropfailures.




      The whole family had experiencedsuch a stormbefore, with dark memoriesof the damageit had causedtostockandcrops.




      The UnitedStatesis one of twenty-fivecountrieswhere farmers plantedgenetically engineered crops in twothousand nine.




      But the additional landavailableforcultivation is unevenlydistributed,andmuch of it is suitable for growingonlyafewcrops.




      He comesto the marketwhenprices are lowest, with the meager fruits of his hardlabor,justafter the harvest, becausehehasnochoice.




      Windbreaks not onlyprotectlandandcropsfromthewind.Surplustreescan be cutdownand used toprovidewood.




      CHICAGO (Reuters) - Justayearagothedebateaboutgrainpriceswassimple:howhigh was high?




      The genomesofmostimportantcropshavebeensequencedonly fairly recently,and that of wheat is only partlydone.




      Iftherewerea real carbonprice,farmerswouldthinkoftheirfieldsin terms of the carbon embodied in cropsandsoil.




      "Wo isa registered " and " Wo " is millet, millet,rice, sorghumcrops like the general term " landing " meansthatmature.

