

      [chū xiàn]





      appear; emerge; arise; spring



      appearance; emergence; presence



      全部,appear,arise,emerge,spring,appearanceemergence,presence,turn up,show up,come out



      The sharpoftranslocationtimedistribution of symmetrical-foldedpolymersis similar to that of closed circular polymers.




      At the verymoment when the sanddecides to speak,atorrentcomes up,andagreatforce inhales the grainofsandintoabighole.




      Hesaid"IwishIcould"as though some greatand ineluctable act ofnature made it impossible for him to beseenpublicly with me.




      However,I do notknowin what capacity shouldappear in her eyes,I do notwantto break the calmand happy sheisnowliving.




      ThemomentaprotestingIrishpriesttook to the circuit, it was clear that this wasn't going to be anormalgrand prix.




      Theyduguntiltheyhad turned up the soilfromoneendof the orchardto the other,round the tree-rootsandbetween them.




      Several times ayear a group of hoodedyoung men, who style themselvesas" anarchists " , bringuptherear of a march.




      And they had a look at what was in the soup,andtheyfoundamino acids,butnothingcameout, there was nocell.




      To his wayofthinking, confronted by the availableoptions,he had always just pursued the leastunpromising.




      MegaManhasalways been apopulargamingfranchiseanditappearshisjump onto thePSPplatformdoesnothing to dispelthistheory.

