

      [chuàng xīn]





      bringforthnewideas; innovate; blazenewtrails; makeinnovations; createsth. new



      全部,innovate,bring forth new ideas,Innovation,Creative,innovative



      Be preparedtopayaprettypennyifyou take a trip to Europe. The dollar fell to another record lowagainst the euro.




      Sincethen,he's come toseethatsharingcontrolisessentialfor a companyinsuch a creativeindustry.




      Up to now,they have acquired a great dealofexperience that play an important role of ourcivil servantsystem.




      "Weseem to betheonlyguysbuildinginnovativeproducts in that space,"Cooksaid.




      The concept of 'farmers first', which promotesfarmer-led agricultural innovation, has been discussed for at leasttwentyyears.




      ShareThis isagreatexample of the kind of company that could become akeyfoundationforinnovation in the next era of the web.




      The discussion relates the findingsto the generalquestionof the differentialmanagement of incrementalversusradicalinnovation.




      000 registered patentsillustrate the innovativenatureof the company.




      ReaffirmingAmerica'sroleastheglobalengine of scientificdiscoveryandtechnologicalinnovation has never been more critical.




      For all theeffortexpended on data gaps, the constantevolutionandfootloosenatureof the financialsystemcomplicates matters hugely.

