
      [kě] [kè]






      can; may


      need (doing); beworth (doing)


      fit; suit





      but; yet









      全部,can,may,need,be worth,but,yet,a surname,should,CN,OEM



      The physicalconcept of those formulas is definitude.Theformulacan be used as a referencefor the design of engineering.




      If one of your countrymenbecomespooramongyou and sellshimself to you, do notmakehimworkas a slave.




      Use push buttonstoletsite visitors submittheformafterfilling it out, clearfieldsbyresetting the form, orrun your customscripts.




      The youngladytried to stop herself from falling,but there was norailingoranythingelse to take hold of.




      The fractionin the aqueousphase could beenriched by a conventionalsolid phaseextraction with a recovery rateofup to 100%.




      Wewerea sort of royalty,almostinfallible,witha sort of magicaroundus.




      One of their mothers said to us,"You know,we can't survivehere, but but we can't even seem to die either."It'sahorriblesituation.




      While I'm glad to see how much she likes giving to others, I wonderifshewouldbeasgeneroussharing her ownmoneyortreatsortoys.




      Since GSM provides a commonstandard,cellularsubscriberswill also beable to usetheirtelephones over the entire GSM service area.




      But Isaid, By nomeans,Lord, fornocommonoruncleanthing has ever entered intomymouth.

