

      [jǐn guǎn]






      though; eventhough; inspiteof; despite; notwithstanding


      feelfreeto; nothesitateto



      全部,though,despite,notwithstanding,in spite of,although,even though



      The gameiscommercialaviation, and Pratt has beenalaggard for yearsdespiteastrongpresenceinmilitaryengines.




      It's quite hardtosee the waterfallin the finishedpicture,although unfocusing youreyesseems to help.




      Notjusta Bobby McFerrin songtitleit's aprettysimplestatement. Although,notalwayssoeasy to live by.




      Whileyoucouldtheoreticallyloadtheprogram with a huge list oftasks, it lends itself best to justafewtasks.




      Yet the United Stateshasnoreasonto be smug about itscomparatively favorabledemographics.




      I'veworkedforhim for twoyearsandthoughIadmirehistalent I find his mood swings increasinglystressful.




      We couldseefrom his wornteeth that hewas veryold, and though he could move his legs, he couldn't seem to lift his head.




      As aresult, even thoughshewasmentallyandphysicallyready to run a PR,herdigestive system wouldn't let her.




      And I'm surrounded by a millionpeople,Istill feel alone. Let mego home.Imissyou,you know.




      Despiteyears of work and the consideration of hundreds of suspects,Cooperseems to havedisappearedinto the night.

