

      [shì chǎng]





      market; marketplace; marketplace


      bazaar; piazza








      This left the door open for the likes ofFacebookto come in andseizeadominantmarketshare.




      It also works with its hardwareandcarrierpartners to pushsecuritypatcheswhen a maliciousapp does make it into the Android Market.




      Thecompanysaid the UKwindmarket was not growingfastenoughand that projects had beenslowed down byplanningobjections.




      Hethankedlawmakers from bothpartiesfor their support, and said the bill'spassagesendsastrongsignaltomarkets around the world.




      To be honest,we do notknowmuchaboutrunning a marketeconomyandmanaging it.Youare a bank,butwe do notthink we mainlyneedmoney.




      That makeshimin many wayslike Steve Jobs, who designed and marketedproducts better than alreadyexistingsimilarcompeting products.




      Already,in the Britishresidentialmarketat least,estateagents are talking as if the crisisisover.




      I've already done that the old-fashioned Americanway-by fighting it outin the marketplace.



      Onlyapackagingwithaclear visual idea is able to stand out at the market among the generic packagings of the competition.




      And just asdistrustofworldtrade seems to be growing, so confidenceindomesticmarkets seems to be falling.

