

      [guān yuán]











      Local governmentofficialsrefused to reveal how much diesel had spilled into the river or commenton the spillwhencontacted by AFP.




      Inthesevenues,Chineseofficialshavenot hesitated tocombinesoftpowerwitha bitofmuscle.




      After the Wei and Jin, Chi Zhu Zuolang, essays historydegree, somethingof an official in charge of historical and officials.




      A White Houseofficialclaimsthat the protestswere the result of a "concerted viralwhispercampaign".




      Ithappensin the heatofagame that you get overexcitable,but the refereesand the powers that behavegot to react to it.




      Israeliofficials have said the Gazaborderwillremainclosed to all buthumanitariansuppliesuntil the rocketattackscompletelystop.




      One Hamasofficial says the ball is in Israel's coup .Hesaid the captivesoldiercould be releasedindays or years.




      Fornow,sayseniorEuropeanofficials,thisisjustaprecautionarystep, to be ready to actquickly should it be needed.




      One officialsaid the numberofmissingcomponents was more than1,000.




      Brave talk,butGermanministers do not seemready to testtheirofficials' confidence.

