

      [bào dào]





      reportforduty; checkin; register; reportone'sarrival



      全部,register,report for duty,Registration,check in,Register



      Brooks reported tothepolice station by appointment,butherspokesmansaid the arrestcameasasurprise.




      They were alsoorderednotto interfere with prosecutionwitnesses,and to report to the Policeonce aweek.




      Hewassoproudto be sendinghiskids to college. ..and he madesurewenevermissedaregistration deadline because his checkwas late.




      We had a look at him and we didn't think it was too bad,so we were happyforhim to report to Spain's trainingcamp.




      Mr.Wickhamhadreceived his commissionbefore he leftLondon, and he was to join his regimentat the end of afortnight.




      But 'theremust be more lootings that arenot reported up topolice, ' hesaid.




      There wasnoimmediatecomment from the White House.Aspokespersonfor the US state department said that it was awareof the report.




      When they got to the airport and ranup to the check- incounter,theywere both out of breath.




      For the (global) economy, we have been saying for a year that the recoverywillcomein the firsthalf of 2010.




      Sam:Justa secsweetheart,Ineedtocall the officefirst to check in.

