

      [pǔ biàn]





      universal; general; widespread; common






      As one common Chinese slogan has it,aharmoniousfamilyisthe cornerstone ofaharmonioussociety.




      After the announcement, the socialreflects is strong, generallyagreed that thislevel is too high, anddoes not match with the actual.




      Due to the fact that causation is ubiquitous, the existence of causativeconstructions, no doubt, is also universal in worldlanguages.




      The major premise of syllogism is of universalinevitability, while that of the judicial syllogism hasprobability.




      ASHOT FOR ALL SEASONS: New technologyhashelped to identifyparts of theinfluenzavirusthatmight be universaltargets for a vaccine.




      Couplets with the uniquenessof the above,but the couplet is stilla literary form, with literature, the generalanduniversalcharacter.




      Themovieseemstotap into a general sentimentality about animals.




      "WhatI'm seeingandhearing on the streets of Sana'a issort of widespreadpanicandfear of what'scominginYemen,"said Finn.




      The next step,hesays,is to seewhether the jets arecommon to allmassiveprotostars.




      Ifirstlearned the hard way how comprehensively thisconventiontendstobreak down evenwithin the United States.

