

      [zuì gāo]





      highest; supreme; tallest






      Capturethissnapshotdaily for aweekuntil the high water mark for coordinating agents seems to bestable.




      Dear Diary. My Danceisalmostcomplete. ButIthinkIhave fallen forher. Ifit is true. TheDancecannot be complete. If it is true.




      Senator Joe Lieberman,inintroducing me at my confirmationhearing, saidIwas the "supremealliedcommanderin the warofideas."




      Pennsylvania pays its gamingmanagers better than any other state($91,850ayear, onaverage), butit'sonlygot about 50 of them.




      and,just like any otherbusiness , thefrontlinestaffmust be of the higheststandard.




      Justice Thomas said the courtshouldlook to the practices at the time the BillofRights was adopted.




      Hesaidthesinger wasn't "giving it fullout,but . ..Ithoughthewasingreatform. "




      Groping his way franticly through the gathering gloom,heemergedvictoriouson the topmostcrag.




      Bothleadersseem to be positioning themselvesforthetopjobs,andtrying to distance themselves from each other.




      Microsoftsaidit had yettodecidewhether to pursue the case further,buthinted it would try to take it to the SupremeCourt.

