
      [yǒu] [yòu]





      have; possess


      thereis; exist









      全部,have,possess,exist,there is,a surname



      Prettycool,considering how muchbetteryourcodegetsasa result ofthis small change.




      The dwarfhadapair of mile-boots with which you could pass one mile per step.




      'Look'shesaid to me.On the screenacoloureddot had appearedand was growing rapidly.




      And so therehavebeen a couple ofpaperssuggestingor calling into questionwhetheror not the measurements are as accurate as they seem.




      Thepublic has aright to monitorofficials,butsearches that targetothercitizensoftenviolate their privacy rights,hesaid.




      "Hesaid he hadjust come backfromanapple farm,andthoughtthenamesounded"fun, spirited and notintimidating.




      Whenahappynewmothermoved the cloth to look upon her new baby's tinyface,she was shocked. The baby had been bornwithoutears !




      repeated the Pigeon,butina more subduedtone,andaddedwith a kind of sob, 'I'vetriedeveryway, and nothing seems to suit them! '




      Plus,hesaid, there'salways the possibility of anadversereaction to anything placed inside the body.




      Hesaidthe rider, who wasnotarrested, told park employeesshe had dumped baby powder over the sideofa "Pirates" boat.

