















      full-moonshaped; round



      全部,month,the moon,a surname,monthly,full-moon shaped,round,months,April,December



      Buthegoes on to say:"ThosepeopledidnotbecomeFrenchin the lastfivemonths."




      In an Augustreport, the FederalReserveBank ofDallasactually put itabithigher.




      For Obama,itwas a firststeptowardsredemptionof one of his signature campaignpromises, within sixmonths of comingtotheWhite House.




      All heknewwas that aftermonths of e-mails,phone calls andmeetings, Wal-Mart'sinterestseemedtosuddenly fade.




      I made himabedin my study, and thenwenttobedmyself,happier than I had beenfor the past month.




      As he was being arrested, he jumpedoff the secondfloor of a parking garage and ended up in a coma. He diedtwomonthslater.




      ContinentalannouncedThursday that itwillreduceflightsin the United States by sixteen percent during thelastthreemonths of theyear.




      Ifyouarenotpreparingmonthlyvariancereports(how much your actualexpensesand income differ from what youprojected) you should.




      Butthis was a blooper: it would be a bit like giving Americabadnewsaboutitssecurity in the Pacificregion on December 7th.




      I used tofindmyselfmimickingthemovementI used to dowhilesmoking,even though it hadbeenmonthssince I quitted.

