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      way; method; mode; means




      standard; model


      Buddhistdoctrine; thedharma







      modelafter; follow



      全部,method,law,means,way,follow,model after,dharma,Dhamma,France



      Nabi sent depictrealisticapproach, non-center perspective,butby the Naziconceptof the subjectiveand the decorativeOut of form.




      Butifyou don't likethisstyle, all that reallymattersis that you(and your team)understand whatever nomenclature you settle on.




      The powerfulenergiesyouaregivingout are your assurancethat the dark Ones will have no option buttogive up theirplan.




      Mao Zedong's view of the war and his cognizance of the war's regularityare the parts of his martialdialectics.




      Despiteinternational laws,healthfacilitiescontinue to betargetedorusedformilitaryoperationsinconflicts.




      The rate of seedgermination is oftenlessthan50% in traditional treatment.




      Howoftenthis sort of thing happens is hardtosay.But Daniele Fanelli of the University of Edinburghthoughthewouldtry to find out.




      FARZAD:Youknow,every time, they tellyouwerolledup our sleeves and we gave it a goodhonest try.




      Phatik wiped his face, and sat down on the edgeofa sunken barge on the river bank, and began to chewa piece of grass.




      It wouldhave helped ifAmerica had written offthewarloans it had made to Britain andFrance,but it wasnotprepared to dothat.

