

      [biāo zhǔn huà]





      standardization; standardizing; normalizing; unification; standardize






      What has not been standardized yet (as far as I've been able to see)is a 3D languageforcapturingthesemodels.




      Otherteamsareofcoursefree to work on suchaproject,although so farallpublicattempts at an iso loaderinuser mode have failed.




      It is highly automatic and practical,andeasy to use and spread.Thesystem is planned to putintohail suppression operationuse.




      But whether suchinformationcan be standardised enough to be computer-readable for comparisonon company websites is questionable.




      Furthermore, the statisticalmethod has been usedtostandardize the sample data which becomes the important basicofqualitycontrolchart.




      If this iscomparedwith the definitionof a normalizedpolicy, you cansee that this is now in the normalizedform.




      There wasnodoubtthata prompt "normalization"ofan intersexual body was always"in the bestinterest of the child" .




      Around the world,marketparticipantsstepped back in mass from what,up to then,werestandardised, routine, predictabletransactions.




      Asummaryoftestresultsforalargeandrepresentativegroup of subjects. The normgroupisreferred to as the standardizationsample.




      By only the secondtermof the project the childrenwere found to have madesignificantgainsonstandardisedtests.

