

      [bǐ sài]





      match; competition; race; contest; game; tournament






      Ilostayeardue to my leginjuryandtherecoveryprocesswasslowandpainstaking,sonowI'm back I need to be playingregularly.




      The Finn reckons his team has continued to improvein the last few races,buthefeels its rivalshave taken bigger steps forward.




      Anotherwomanparticipates in abicycleraceandis chased by herhusbandandfamily, berating her for falling down on her wifely duties.




      Hamm'sanklewas still so sore thatshe was unabletojoinherteammatesin the post-match victory lap around the field.




      Hesaid:"The overseasracegloryfor the country was going to be performingin his hometown, the pressure even greater."




      What was Isupposedtodo, just puthiminover his head?




      Like Fernando, it wouldhavebeen a bit riskytopushhim into thegametomorrow night.




      Rino in factplayedonlyonegame for Milan this year: the openingfixtureagainstLazioandhe was all over the place.




      I haven't seenthereplayyet,butheseemed like hethrew his handsup in the air after Brooks passed off as if he wasupset.




      host:Iwantyou to say what you say thematch, was itahard fight thanyou anticipated?

