

      [wù zhì]





      matter; substance; material






      Porousplastics,rubber,cellulose, orothermaterial, similarinabsorbency to this skeleton andused for thesamepurposes.




      asIsaidpreviously the moltenrockmaterial is calledmagma if it is beneath the surfaceand called lava if it is on the surface.




      Thestateof a substance that existsbelow its critical temperatureand that maybeliquefied by application of sufficientpressure.




      Now, how muchofeach of these quantities in each of these phases?




      Earthguidedher to tieupallherremaining attachments to the physical plane into packages thatdenoted completion.




      Hesaid the rise could possiblybedue to a continuousleakofhighlyradioactivematerial from the areaaround the crippled reactors.




      Ina way or to a certainextent,moneyis the source of all happiness,materialhappinessat least.




      The mostpopularnotionwas that somesubstance builds up in the brain during wakefulness,eventually to causesleep.




      It would be unusual for such a largemeteoritetohit the Earth, as most objectsburn up in the atmosphere and never reach the surface.




      And also,want to know how muchmaterialthere is in eachphase.

