

      [bào zhà]





      explode; blast; blowup; bomb; burst; detonate; explosion; fulmination; out-burst



      全部,explosion,blast,explode,bomb,go off,blow up,burst



      "Five would be a veryconservative number forus," he said. "The [newbusiness] pipeline isgood.It'snotexplodingbut it's good. "




      Livingwith an angry personislikelivingwithatimebomb: Youneverknow when it's going to go off.




      Since the beginning of the humangenomeproject,biologicalinformationhasincreasedexplosively.




      Therewas the littlecoilofpalehairwhichhad been used as the fuze to thisgreatexplosion.




      It isworthmentioning at this point that the nuclearfuelinareactor can nevercause a nuclear explosion like a nuclearbomb.




      The next dayhetried to cook an eggusing the samedevice,but his experimentexplodedin the face ofapassingengineer.




      Despite the fact that the palacewastoexplode around theminthreeminutes, Guri challenged Skywalker to a hand-to-hand brawl.




      Israeliintelligencesaid the blastsdamagednuclearfacilitiesnear the cityand were notaccidents.




      A hotelguest,DonHannaof US-based Fortress InvestmentGroup,saidhefelt the buildingswayat the time of the explosion.




      It said the Southmust have beenconfused by blastingataconstructionsitenear the border.

