

      [yé yé]











      全部,grandpa,grandfather,grandad,The Grandfather,granddad



      Mygrandpalived a longandhappylifeandhe was able to seeallof his childrenandgrandchildrengrowup.




      Grandfathershook his headdiscontentedly. 'Well, ' he said, 'and ifPeter hadn't caught thewolf, what then'?




      If the enemyknew how muchtrouble I caused in the heavenly palace,they'd surrenderrightnow.Butthatwould spoil the fun!




      Whenall the other peopleleft, he took his grandpa'shand and broughthim over to a chair and gavehim the gift.




      GrandfathertookMisterJewel'shandandaskedhim to come homewithus.Buthe said no.




      I'm running away from an old woman, an old man andalittleboy, andI can runaway from you, too.




      But we will get toseehimthisweekend,soyou need to tellhimhow much youlove him.




      Cover g looksveryyoung, in factdidnotold, as Picasso had notbeenfor my grandfather.




      The childrenoften come to seeGrandpaZhang,sohe does notfeellonely.




      Iwokeupinmybedroom. It was quite some timebefore my eyescame into focus enough to see my grandfathersitting by my bed.

