








      sphere; globe


      theglobe; theearth







      全部,ball,sphere,globe,the globe,Balls,The Ball,Orb



      Youcouldthinkof the energytransferdue to bosonexchange as something like the passing of abasketballbetweentwoplayers.




      He dunked the ballandIhung there on his arms,both my feetoff the ground and hanging to Wilt for dear lifeuntilheputmedown.




      Italsohasapeculiaroffice,at the bottom of apile of Narcissusdenseball of white Gener,like the grandfather of the whitebeard!




      Whatgivesanyonetobelieve that agolfer(yawn)could ever holdsuch a reveredplacein the echelons ofsportshistory?




      Badmintonlittleflying up and downintheirmidst,like a small white doveinflight.




      Whereexactly the mothballsmellcamefromwasoneof those mysteries.




      He is quickandcan hold the ball up well and he'sgotagreatleftfoot - and that alwaysmakes things a little bit harder for his rivals.




      Butat some point, an MVP shoulddecidegameswiththeball in his hands.Heshouldmaster the moment.




      Beforeserving,shealways did a little dance,pausedtolook across thenet,andbounced the ballthreetimes.




      Losingconfidence in his changeupandsinker, Pettitte saidhetrudged on trying torely on just his fastballand cutter.

