
      [de] [dí] [dì] [di]









      exact; real



      target; bull's-eye; taxi






      But one thing iscertain.Ihavebeen given a secondchance. Touched by god. AndI've got to believe that hehas a purpose for my life.




      Isaid this to Mr. Ballmer:I will notnegotiate with youand30,000of my closest friends.




      Butinretrospect, Mr Chiracmight have had a point.




      Iwas charmed bytheflush round hereyesand on her rather prominentcheekbonescaused by the wine.




      Asyoumighthaveguessed,I'm hopingthatthisbottlewill work its magic,asit did once before, and somehow bringus back together.




      Here is another way to say what you just said:Eventrying to figureitout isn't working so far.




      Not that youembrace my waysasrightforyou,but that you arenolongerirritatedordisappointed with me for my seeming waywardness.




      WhenI try toohard,youremindme to get out ofmyownway.




      It has evolvedover the decadesintoaninternationalfinancialcenterbut hasn't been able to useortrade the currencyofitshinterland.




      Asyouknow,language is a centralelementincommunication.

