





      true; genuine; real



      really; truly; indeed


      clearly; distinctly; unmistakably



      (inChinesecalligraphy) regularscript





      全部,really,truly,indeed,clearly,true,realgenuine, regular script



      See the secondperson,hesaid:thisspiderreallystupid,why do notdryplacefrom the nexttoclimbup to look around?




      Shelonged to enquire of the housekeeperwhetherhermaster were reallyabsent,buthadnotcourage for it.




      Sven's a nitwit. He got caughtplayingawayandthen embarrassed himself in a tabloid sting. You wouldhavetobe a fool to be socareless.




      Family members from all across the country wouldcall to say thatthey had seenus on TVorin the newspaper. How fun to be famous!




      Shetaughthim as she herself had been taughtsixtyyearsago-a process whichcarrieddismayto his soul.



      I'm glad to hear that,Ihopeyoucanchangeyourselffromnow on, the only thing I can say is stick to yourself.




      It would be difficult for me to tellyouwhowillstartbecauseI do notknowyet.




      You were my reallove,Ineverknew love till there was you, from thebottomof my brokenheart.




      Itry to convincemyself that's all that itis, and ifshereallyconcentrated,shewouldnotrepeatherselfso much.




      theyoung man was verymiserable.he had no mony about him. all his savings had beenstolen.

