

      [xìn xī]





      information; message; news






      Wemustreviewagaintheinformationsafetyof the bank by means of agradually developing systemplatform.



      Metadata created for, or generated by, a computer system, relating to how the system or its content behaves or needstobeprocessed.



      TheCSRCstatementsaid the finewasforbreakingrulesoninformationdisclosurebut did not mentionmoreseriousabuses.



      The description of eventsin the messagesisoften rather shortandterse.



      Theytriedtoradioamessage to Rob Hall, who wasasuperbclimberstuck, sort of, withaweakclimberupnearthesummit.



      "It needs tobeeasy to understand,useandobtain-andtoday that'sanything but the case," Hebard says.



      Inavideomessageposted on hiswebsite and circulated by social networking sites, the DalaiLamasaid the archbishopisauniqueperson.



      That wastheinitialreason for JAXP toexist: to remove any chance of you putting that sort of informationdirectly into your code.



      Getsstyleinformation for the appearance of averbin a verbs drop-down menu when an enduserpositions the mousepointer over the verb.



      Travel brochures can onlygivelimitedinformation,soaskthetravel agent as many questions as you can think of -- it'syourmoney.
