
      [dōu] [dū]














      bigcity; metropolis










      Practicallyeveryteacher of oldseems to have condemnedit,especiallysexual desire,saying that itmustbecontrolled, subjugated.




      Even with hisfilmcomplete,hehasnottold his wifeorchildrenaboutit,perhapsunabletolet go ofthemission that has consumedhim.




      repeated the Pigeon,butina more subduedtone,andaddedwith a kind of sob, 'I'vetriedeveryway, and nothing seems to suit them! '




      He had never been doing a job more thanhalf a year, so weweredisappointed with him.




      Chandler: I'm right!Right? There was like no chemistry betweenthem.Beforethey had heat, and now there'sno heat! Now.




      Butwhatever they sayinformalspeeches,America's leadersare clearly beginning to have theirdoubts,andrightly so.




      Hethoughtthebestofmusicwas in single strains; and hefoundpoeticsuggestion in the humming of the telegraph-wire.




      You and I both know there has been a hidden anti-gay sentimentin the church for a long time.




      also looked likeahugeumbrella,summer,sunlightburningit had beenblocked, peoplecan enjoy the coolgreenunder the umbrellaof.




      We all want more money, but then again there seems to beapricetag that comes along with a higherincome; it is a highercostofliving.

