







      notmakingsense; shocking; unbelievable, apopularcyberterm, jokinglyexpressingshockordisagreementinanexaggeratedmanner



      全部,not making sense,shocking,Startling,weird,wacky



      Maybethey're like the orfolei.Youknow,a carbon-based intelligence that goesthroughameatstage.




      Findingandnoting the year's most astounding proposalhasbecome something of an unofficialcontest for members of the Chinesenewsmedia.




      Inayear that wasdominated by torrid headlinesand scary recessionnews,designers,too, becameobsessed with startlingus.




      Dubbed "Sister Feng",shebecame notoriously famous onlinefor her series of mind blowing comments.




      The weather. The Britishweather is, at first glance, dreadful, ghastly, horrendous, outrageous, horrible, shocking, woeful, rotten, bad.




      The most surprising thing of all, though,is that theseresultshave emerged from anunrelatedstudy of the quality of men'ssperm.




      ManypeoplesaidthePepsi'sexplanationsare unacceptable, and insult consumers'intelligence.




      Compared to Ray'sstory,"MybossBeauty" cast iscommendableteamhad to bestunning.




      Generallyspeacking,ifone pieceofthings which break the regular rule,then itis either the creative nor ridiculous.




      Butinrecentdecades,asless and less rain fell during the wet seasons, Tuareg families struggled to sustainsizableherds.

