

      [ér yǐ]






      thatisall; nothingmore



      全部,that is all,nothing more,that's all,only,That bastard' s nothing without a stick.What a poser



      Evenso,we're goingto go out on alimb here to say that this shift will go unnoticed by ourmedia brethren.




      You are nowjusta little country in the european community and nothing more, be conscious about this,pleaseleave every arrogance.




      The concept of ashadowbiosphere, according to ProfessorDavies, "is still justatheory".




      The bossthreatenedtodismisshim from his job,butitisall a bluff.




      Theauthor maintains that the cruxof the matter ishowtoappropriatelychoosehistorical materials available to understandit well.




      Heneverdiscovers that shewasanagent.




      After passing through numerous,Alicesuddenlywake up,realize that theylayon the grassasleep, alladventuresarenothing but a dream.




      I did notrealize then what dreadfulevents were soon to happen,and that thishappy and peaceful year was to be the calmbefore the storm.




      "Their commitmenttolivingwagesimplyappears to meanthatthey would like to see it happening in thelong term."




      He said,ifonlyelectionlanguage, is just a saying, he is not and frank hsieh's electiondebates language.

