
      [guō] [guò] [guo]

  •       v.over; through; across; after
  •       adv.too; excessively; unduly
  •       n.asurname; fault; mistake; demerit
  •       pref.【化,物】per-; super-; over-
  •       qua.time
  •       网络past; pass; Over






      〈口〉gobeyondthelimit; undue; excessive


      across; past; through; over


      after; past


      cross; pass


      spend (time); pass (time)




      exceed; gobeyond; surpass




      undergoaprocess; gothrough; goover


      shift; transfer







      fault; mistake; demerit; error



      too; excessively; unduly






      【化,物】per-; super-; over-



      全部,over,through,across,after,too,excessively,unduly,a surname,fault,mistakedemerit,super-,over-,time,past,pass,Over



      A new administration is always a feeding-frenzy,butseasonedobserverssay that theyhaveseen nothing like thisscramblefor employment.




      Ihada lovely dognamed PiPi,hewas one ofmybestfriends.




      Somescientists, however, doubt that the mummyis Nefertiti. They said the mummy is much morelikely to be maleratherthanfemale.




      makes it easy to findagreatrestaurantbypresenting a summaryofuserandprofessionalreviews in a way that has neverbeendonebefore.




      Buthe doesn't favor more stimulus now,saying 'lags in monetaryandfiscalpolicyactions' shouldbe allowed to 'workthroughthe system. '




      But it's reallystrange considering I've never been asurfer until ayearagoandI suck atsports.




      But there's neverbeenatime when somuchofthenew stuff Ilookatis so very farfrom being ready for massconsumption.




      Or,asyouareaCorsican,thatyouhadbeen unable to resist the desire of making a'stiff, ' as you callit.




      Ifyou continue to seethecontent a fewdaysafter you flagged it, it's likely that it was reviewedand did notviolateourpolicies.




      Wetry to employexperiencedassociates,havingworkedinawestern environment and able to speakat least one foreignlanguage.

