

      [yùn yíng shāng]





      serviceprovider; operator; carrier



      全部,operator,service provider,ISP,Operatorcarrier



      Democratssaidthewindmillproject would havematerialsmanufacturedin the U. S. and that the operator hadn't applied forstimulusfunds.




      Boeinghopes the distinctivelookof the plane,as well asitsaerodynamics,willmakeitahitwithcarriers.




      Europeanrailoperatorsaid the past few daysbycoldweatherand snow effects,theyhavetoreduce the number of traindeparture.




      The frequencyandhighcost of this has led to reluctance by some operators to have thismaintenance done at the requiredfrequency.




      Operators aretrying to educatecustomers that mobile broadbandshould be the secondary methodofaccess,not the main one.




      WhenIspeaktothe operators inJapanandKorea,theyarestill very much in an experimental mode to see how muchusers are willing to pay.




      How muchmoneytheseserviceswillbringtocable operators?




      ZTE saidithad been toldby carriers that certain companiesincluding itself had not qualified in India's securitytests.




      TD-SCDMA musttakea placeinChinese 3G and it mayberunby a strongoperator.




      And with its latestplan, Google threatensto undercut cableandsatellitecompanies in subscription feesitmay charge consumers.

