

      [xíng xīng]








      全部,Planets,The Planets,Planet X



      Plutoisusuallyconsideredto be a planet,and Xena has unofficially been called a planet.




      It(anasteroid)dust up into the atmosphere, and the dust stayed there for so long that the vegetationdied off and the dinosaurswithit.




      Just as the planetsrevolve about the sun,planetaryelectronsarethoughtofasrevolving about the nucleus.




      Invaderscontinuouslyhit,as the lasthope for the planet, the taskofdefending the planetdepends on the captain of your Z!




      Ifthatasteroid were to suddenlybecome as big as amoon,itwould indeed rearrangeitselfgradually into asphere.




      As I'm sureyouknow, wefound that there wasamoon orbiting aroundanasteroid, first time ever that was suspected.




      Itwas the smallestofall. There was just enough room on it for astreetlampanda lamplighter .




      Itspositionin the skymakesita so-called Trojan asteroid-atypepreviouslydetectedonlyatJupiter, NeptuneandMars.




      Livingonsuchaplanetmight be a little strange, with multiplesunrisesandsunsets.




      Astronomers have long thought thattheasteroidbelt is being ground down through collisions, butsuch a smashup has neverbeen seen before.

