

      [jiǎo dù]






      pointofview; angle


      【数】angle; thedegree [size] ofangle



      全部,angle,point of view,deg,perspective,angles



      Underrestrictedairinletcondition, the inlet angle has noinfluenceon the airsideperformancesofheat exchangersbasically.




      ThelasttimeI tried toanswer The question, I wimpled out and said that the answerdepended on whatyou were looking for.




      generallythislight, the matter is notasseriousaspeoplegenerallysuppose.




      Ifyouthinkallproblems flow fromasmallsliverofAmericansociety, then allyoursolutionsare going to be small,too.




      And that'swhy, up to apoint,he's entirelyable to exercisehiswill.




      You might be able toview your fears in adifferent light if, for a moment,youputyourself in your partner'splace.




      "Fromamedical point of view, the hymenis no more than a piece of tissue,yetpeople have given it too much symbolicmeaning,"Zhousaid.




      Peoplefeel it a pleasuretobewithyou,foryouhelpthem to see things from an entirelydifferentand a much brighter pointofview.




      Itellyouout of my today'sperspectivethat there are notmanymissions left which have not beencorrupted so far.




      On the basisof the regulatoryfocustheory,this study istrying to makeatheoreticmodel of impulsivepurchasing.

