

      [jiě shì]





      explain; accountfor; expound; explicate; elucidate; interpret



      explanation; account; explication; elucidation; interpretation



      全部,interpretation,explanation,explain,interpret,expound,account for,define,explaining



      Soyou'dexpect the company to at least offer some of the apps' makers -- itsbusinesspartners -- an explanation,right?




      Noneof the differencesbetween the twoperformancegroupscould be explained by length of experience.




      Hesaidnoransom had beenpaid,butgavenofurtherdetailsof the release and did not identify the kidnappers.




      Afterexplaining that the customer had requested that nocardbe included.Iconsidered the matterclosed.




      acting-out calls for an interpretationand the question that I am in the process ofposing,is that of knowingwhether it ispossible.




      And Idid exactly what I did with you, and I told them and explained them and the wholething. And at the endtheywentcrazy,clapping.




      Hedidnot say what that actionwould be,butsaidhe plans to discuss it withNATOofficialsnextweek.




      At the restaurant the menuisall in Japaneseand the waitresswas a bit frustrated trying toexplainit to me.




      Green is quick to note that 'GDP can't explaineverything, ' adding that he was justtrying to havesomefun.




      Iwonder what the policewouldmake of that. -James,you're tryingtoexplainall that Idobylogic.

