



      — see also


      使充满make full



      (使)充满,装满,注满,填满to make sth full of sth; to become full of sth

      堵洞block hole



      ~ sth (with sth)

      堵塞,填补(洞、孔)to block a hole with a substance

      感情with feeling



      ~ sb (with sth)

      使充满(感情)to make sb have a strong feeling

      气味;声;光with smell/sound/light



      ~ sth (with sth)

      使遍及;弥漫;布满;照满if a smell, sound or lightfills a place, it is very strong, loud or bright and easy to notice



      充满…的full of the thing mentioned

      需要a need



      ~ sth

      满足to stop people from continuing to want or need sth




      ~ sth

      担任;充任to do a job, have a role or position, etc.



      ~ sth

      派人担任to appoint sb to a job




      ~ sth (up)

      耗去;打发;消磨to use up a particular period of time doing sth

      食物with food




      ~ sb/yourself (up) (with sth)

      (使)吃饱to make sb/yourself feel unable to eat any more

      订单an order



      ~ sth

      (按订单)供应;交付(订货);(按药方)配药if sbfills an order or a prescription , they give the customer what they have asked for


      fill sbs shoes/boots

      妥善代职to do sb's job in an acceptable way when they are not there
