

      美 [ˈkɔrnər]

      英 [ˈkɔː(r)nə(r)]

  •       n.角;拐角;街角;墙角
  •       v.转弯;拐弯;使(人或动物)走投无路;逼…入绝境
  •       adj.在拐角处的;适于拐角地方的;(美式足球)翼卫的
  •       网络角落;角球;转角

      复数:corners  现在分词:cornering  过去式:cornered  




      corner market








      建筑物;物体;形状of building/object/shape


      角a part of sth where two or more sides, lines or edges join



      有…角的;涉及…群体的with the number of corners mentioned; involving the number of groups mentioned

      房间;箱子of room/box


      角;墙角;壁角the place inside a room or a box where two sides join; the area around this place

      道路of roads


      街角;拐角a place where two streets join


      (道路的)急转弯a sharp bend in a road



      (有时指偏僻或难以到达的)区域,地区a region or an area of a place (sometimes used for one that is far away or difficult to reach)

      困境difficult situation



      困境;窘境a difficult situation

      体育运动in sport


      角球a free kick or hit that you take from the corner of your opponent's end of the field


      场角;(场角处的)辅助人员any of the four corners of a ring ; the supporters who help in the corner


      (just) around/round the corner

      很近;在附近very near

      cut corners

      (常不按规则或省略地)用最简捷经济的方式做事,图省事;(做事)走捷径to do sth in the easiest, cheapest or quickest way, often by ignoring rules or leaving sth out

      cut the corner

      走捷径;抄近道to go across the corner of an area and not around the sides of it, because it is quicker

      see sth out of the corner of your eye

      偶然瞟见;睨视to see sth by accident or not very clearly because you see it from the side of your eye and are not looking straight at it

      turn the corner

      (患病时期)转危为安,脱离危险,好转;渡过难关;脱离困境to pass a very important point in an illness or a difficult situation and begin to improve
