

      美 [ɡet]

      英 [ɡet]

  •       v.得到;获得;使;收到
  •       n.赢利;薪资;【牧】幼畜;(煤炭)产量
  •       linkv.处于
  •       网络拿到;获取;到达

      过去式:got  过去分词:gotten  现在分词:getting  第三人称单数:gets  




      get job,get information,help get,get work,get chance


      get out,probably get,get anywhere,get anyhow,apparently get











      ~ sth

      收到;接到to receive sth



      获得;得到to obtain sth



      ~ sth (for sth)

      (卖某物)挣得,获得to obtain or receive an amount of money by selling sth




      去取(或带来)to go to a place and bring sb/sth back




      ~ sth

      受到;遭到;被判(刑)to receive sth as a punishment




      ~ sth

      接收到;收听到;收看到to receive broadcasts from a particular television or radio station




      ~ sth

      (定期)买,购买to buy sth, for example a newspaper or magazine, regularly




      ~ sth

      (考试)获得,达到to achieve or be given a particular mark/grade in an exam




      ~ sth

      感染上;患上;遭受…之苦to become infected with an illness; to suffer from a pain, etc.




      ~ sb

      与(某人)电话联系;与(某人)通电话to be connected with sb by telephone




      ~ to do sth

      开始(感觉到、认识到、成为);达到…地步(或程度)to reach the point at which you feel, know, are, etc. sth




      使,让(某人或物做某事);说服(某人做某事)to make, persuade, etc. sb/sth to do sth

      使完成某事get sth done



      ~ sth done

      使(某事)发生;使完成(某事)to cause sth to happen or be done




      ~ doing sth

      开始;开始做to start doing sth





      ~ to do sth

      有机会(做某事);得到(做某事的)机会to have the opportunity to do sth




      + adv./prep.

      抵达,到达(某地或某点)to arrive at or reach a place or point




      (使)到达,离开,沿…移动,艰难地移动to move to or from a particular place or in a particular direction, sometimes with difficulty; to make sb/sth do this



      ~ sth

      搭乘,乘坐(公共汽车、出租车、飞机等)to use a bus, taxi, plane, etc.




      准备,做(饭)to prepare a meal





      ~ sth

      接(电话);应(门)to answer the telephone or a door when sb calls, knocks, etc.




      ~ sb

      (尤指为伤害或惩罚)抓住,捉住,逮住to catch or take hold of sb, especially in order to harm or punish them



      ~ sb + adv./prep.

      击中;使受伤to hit or wound sb





      ~ sb/sth

      理解;明白to understand sb/sth





      ~ sth

      (表示发生或存在)used to say that sth happens or exists





      ~ sb

      使困惑;使迷惑;把…难住to make sb feel confused because they do not understand sth




      ~ sb

      使烦恼;使恼火to annoy sb
