

      美 [bæk]

      英 [bæk]

  •       n.背;后面;后卫;腰背
  •       v.支持;倒退;帮助;下赌注于(赛马、参赛队伍等)
  •       adv.向后;以前;回报;回原处
  •       adj.背后的;后面的;后部的;过去的
  •       网络返回;背部;后退

      复数:backs  现在分词:backing  过去式:backed  





      come back,back ring,away back


      move back,back system,back plan,back idea,stand back


      back page,pay back,back window,back order,back ache








      身体部位part of body


      (人体或动物的)背部,背;腰背the part of the human body that is on the opposite side to the chest, between the neck and the tops of the legs; the part of an animal's body that corresponds to this


      脊柱;脊梁骨the row of bones in the middle of the back

      后部part furthest from front



      ~ (of sth)

      后部;后面;末尾the part or area of sth that is furthest from the front

      纸张of piece of paper



      ~ (of sth)

      (文件等的)背面the part of a piece of paper, etc. that is on the opposite side to the one that has information or the most important information on it

      书刊of book



      ~ (of sth)

      (书等的)最后几页,末尾the last few pages of a book, etc.

      椅子of chair


      (椅子等的)靠背the part of a chair, etc. against which you lean your back



      (家具)…靠背的used to describe furniture that has the type of back mentioned

      体育运动in sport


      后卫a player whose main role is to defend their team's goal


      at/in the back of your mind

      在潜意识里;依稀记得if a thought, etc. isat the back of your mind , you are aware of it but it is not what you are mainly thinking about

      the back of beyond


      偏僻地方;边远地区a place that is a long way from other houses, towns, etc.

      back to back

      背靠背;背对背if two people standback to back , they stand with their backs facing or touching each other

      接连地;接二连三if two or more things happenback to back , they happen one after the other

      back to front

      (衣服)前后颠倒(或前后穿反)if you put on a piece of clothingback to front , you make a mistake and put the back where the front should be

      be glad, etc. to see the back of sb/sth


      庆幸终于摆脱(不喜欢的人或事物)to be happy that you will not have to deal with or see sb/sth again because you do not like them or it

      behind sbs back

      背着某人;背地里;私下without sb's knowledge or permission

      be on sbs back


      缠磨;烦扰to keep asking or telling sb to do sth that they do not want to do, in a way that they find annoying

      break the back of sth

      完成(任务等的)主要部分to finish the largest or most important part of a task

      get/put sbs back up


      惹恼to annoy sb

      get off sbs back


      不再烦扰某人(如停止批评或缠磨等)to stop annoying sb, for example by criticizing them, or asking them to do sth

      have (got) sbs back


      保护,支持(某人)to protect and support sb

      have your back to the wall


      处于背水一战的境地;没有退路to be in a difficult situation in which you are forced to do sth but are unable to make the choices that you would like

      off the back of a lorry


      (指货物等)来路不明goods thatfell off the back of a lorry were probably stolen. People say or accept that they cameoff the back of a lorry to avoid saying or asking where they really came from.

      on the back of sth

      由于(某项成就)as a result of an achievement or a success

      (flat) on your back


      因病卧床;卧病in bed because you are ill/sick

      put your back into sth

      全力以赴to use a lot of effort and energy on a particular task

      turn your back

      扭头;转身to turn so that you are facing in the opposite direction

      turn your back on sb/sth

      转身背对某人(或某物)to move so that you are standing or sitting with your back facing sb/sth

      背弃;抛弃to reject sb/sth that you have previously been connected with


